The hole is deeper
This is a fantastic site. The positioning of the tower combined with the eastward jog of Bay Street in this location will provide a stunning visual terminus from the south. I cannot wait to see this project in its completion.
This is a fantastic site. The positioning of the tower combined with the eastward jog of Bay Street in this location will provide a stunning visual terminus from the south. I cannot wait to see this project in its completion.

I was thinking that too, this is going to be a nice building to watch rise on Bay Street because of the bend in the road here.









All images c/o: MBA Models
Blimey! Looking at the model makes me feel sorry for the window cleaners already :eek:
I never saw model this up close and it's magnificent. I hope they follow on that as much as possible;)
wow that first photo (with the mirror base) gave me the impression its a watefront condo even though it is not ~ very nice nonetheless !!
Aug. 13 Update

The hole is deeper

I couldn't get a shot from the south end of the site as the road & sidewalk was being hosed down when I was there.
With the speed at which the dig is continuing it looks like they haven't hit any underground streams, hence no delays... hopefully!

Click on the thumbnail to enlarge, then click again on the image for full size.

Thanks dt!

I see that the path into the hole has moved from the north to south. Every construction processes intrigues me all the time. How the hell they do this? Huge respect for the construction workers.
I hope there aren't any water streams down there
Now I only wish there were time-lapse videos for every sites!:D
/\ Those big pipes in DT's shots above indicate that something is being pumped out of the hole.
Ah, now I see lots of white pipes running down across the walls and connecting to the big pipes as in the first pic.
Hope it doesn't cause such delay like the Muranos
