6 floors deep, crane next week

I spoke to a construction worker this past Thursday. He informed me that there are 6 parking floors and that they were done digging. Apparently a crane is being put up next week.

Looking forward to it!
I spoke to a construction worker this past Thursday. He informed me that there are 6 parking floors and that they were done digging. Apparently a crane is being put up next week.

Looking forward to it!

That's good news. When I took the photos on the 22nd the south end of the site was approximately 1 - 1 1/2 levels behind the north end of the site which is surely going to take them another couple of weeks to move out the dirt. Perhaps the first crane goes up at the north end and there will be two cranes eventually?
Thanks for the info, hany. I just wish to inform you that in Hungarian your handle means "to vomit" :)
Going up

Going up.



Amazing how fast things can move when one want's to

In the evening of the second day ....



Sept. 15th

Forgive the poor captures, I almost didn't post them. I could barely see what I was photographing through my LCD screen as it was so bright today and it was a bad time of day to photograph here given the strong sunshine in the top half of the pit.

The photos begin at the north side of the pit, leading to the centre of the pit and finish at the south end of the site.

Click on the thumbnail to enlarge, then click again on the image for full size.

ah, that last pic made up for it! This building is one of the most anticipated for me with its rather unique diamond shaped floorplate... nice to see things moving forward.
yep, same floor count as Uptown residences. I guess the only others that would be taller, currently u/c are Trump, Shangri-la, Four Seasons, MLS, Ritz Carlton... did I forget any?
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It certainly is the tallest building to begin construction since I guess Shangri-la or Trump, but right now it is the 8th tallest building U/C.
