That seems like it's really coming up quickly, especially compared to how long Murano took to come out of the ground

It looks like one level took two weeks to complete, that seems pretty good for a site of this size. Remember that the problem with Murano was running into those underground rivers, clearly not a problem with this site (thankfully).

thats great news!! i was bored so i did the math and that would put it at 165m.

I agree, the more Burano the better! I'm curious about what alterations they have in mind for the podium though.
Nov 11 Visit


Then there's this little nugget. Lanterra is looking for some kind of modification to the podium and trying for two more floors to move Burano up to 50-storey's

First, good news about the additional floors. Many sites over the past year keep reducing their height. Good to see a tower actually wanting to increase the height.

I'm a little concerned about the podium changes though, I thought the initial version was perfect and meshed well with the old Addison building. Anyone able to get the details on this change? Or do we have to wait until the 18th?
I hope they do away with the cheesy facade treatment of the old Addison building. Time to put that old building in the trash can (perhaps in 2088 they'll rebuild it somewhere else) and build a proper c.2010 modern glass podium.
I hope they do away with the cheesy facade treatment of the old Addison building. Time to put that old building in the trash can (perhaps in 2088 they'll rebuild it somewhere else) and build a proper c.2010 modern glass podium.

I would agree, but we already have a glass podium across the street that's about as pretty as can be with Murano. A well treated facade could be a good counterpoint and center of interest for this block.
There's plenty of "modern glass" in that neighbourhood. The rebuilding of the old facade will help improve the sterility of the area.
I don't buy the arguement that a modern glass facade can't be as engaging as some run-of-the-mill old showroom (nevermind the cheesiness of a rebuilt classical facade on a modern building)
+1 in favour of integrating the old facade as originally proposed. We've seen the dangers of too much glass at one intersection in several locations, most notably at Wellington/Simcoe.
Based on the model and various renderings, I've questioned myself whether the original neo-gothic McLaughlin Motors facade will integrate successfully with the glass tower above and on north side. That said, I've always leaned in favor of it's restoration and re-installation. Redroom's comment above cement's that idea in my mind.
It's a comparable situation to King + Sherbourne ("pure" Mozo vs King's Court's bank facade retention). And somehow, I can see this as coming across less awkwardly than King's Court...
As per MikeinTo's pic

I like the podium as is.

Anyone know the occupancy date? I'm thinking late 2011..early 2012.
The podium looks alot like Shangri-la's and even the shape of the lot looks similar :)

Can't WAIT for this one to rise!... It's gonna look sick on the skyline (especially the bay/college skyline!)

I think occupancy dates will probably by in 2012 considering it's not even at ground level yet...
+1 in favour of integrating the old facade as originally proposed. We've seen the dangers of too much glass at one intersection in several locations, most notably at Wellington/Simcoe.
I'm with Redroom on the original proposal, there is a lot of historical significance to the Addison Building in addition to it's architectural merits.
I think it would be intersting if they could enclose the old facade, or a section of it, within a new glass atrium. I'm all for new but i really hate it when displace older architecture, especially when it has some historical or aesthetic merit.
