Is there a new species/variant of Homo sapiens as well - renderfolks with dorky smiles and weird poses?

So some variation of a joke about this next phase being called 'Guano' has already been made, right?
So some variation of a joke about this next phase being called 'Guano' has already been made, right?
Yeah, I may have been first with that. Must drive you batty, I guess. Hey! I made a funny. Batty. Guano. Ha ha ha
  • Tower has shifted 11m to the south
  • Glass box is set back 5m from the north property line
  • Open space/piazza is provided at the north end of the site
  • Glass box will be retail space
  • Plantings in laneway
  • Trees on Bay at 5m intervals
  • Strip of LED lights in piazza space
  • Glass box will wrap around building at 3rd floor as a transition form the tower and heritage building
  • The shape of the tower will be a parallelogram
  • 798 square meter floorplate
  • Tower is set back 3.2m from edge of podium on Bay


Meh, another glass tower but street level sure looks creative and exciting from the rendering.
Can we please get a full size image of the building. The billboard shot just isn't doing it for me.

I love the base though.
The best thing about this development is the preservation of the old car dealership. Hopefully, they'll use the old entrance as the new entrance to the condo. Looks promising.
The best thing about this development is the preservation of the old car dealership. Hopefully, they'll use the old entrance as the new entrance to the condo. Looks promising.

Actually, I'd hope they use the old base for some nice retail. By the looks of it, the giant glass atrium will serve as the new foyer/entrance to the condo.

I like these towers, but I think they'd look much better with nice, well lit crowns.
Hopefully, they'll use the old entrance as the new entrance to the condo.

That is the plan - the main lobby entrance will be the through the old dealership entrance.
There's an agents preview this Tuesday. I hear it's going to be very well attended and units may be snapped up quickly on this one. Love the Parallelogram design to the tower
