August 17 2009 update

It appears I was stalking drum118 yesterday ~

East Side

The 8th Floor Clubhouse Taking Shape

West Side

These arches + detailing aren't half bad ...
(note: I did admire One Park Tower ... but was sadly disappointed by Daniels' interiors, I suppose Chicago will be the same?)

The retail units look nice. A relief to that they are not hidden Queens Quay-style like the ones along the east side of The Capitol.
I really like this building. I know this is blasphemous on UT, but it almost surpasses Marilyn for my fave new west end building.

I can only comment on this based on pictures though. It makes me want to visit Mississauga (lived in downtown Toronto for 3 years, never been that far west).

An odd sentiment from someone who has a Sauerbruch & Hutton in their avatar...
So will Chicago be as tall/taller/shorter than One Park? Forgive my philistinism, but I'm not as up-to-date on my Mississauga projects.
not as tall as One Park....One Park is 38S, plus it has the peaked roof....Chicago 36S with a flat roof....
those parking lots will be replaced with parking structures and additional retail.

and those parks will be replaced with more condos.
Sept 1

More photo's can be found on Youtube as there too many for here.

Framing has started on the townhouses.


In 20 years, these building will most no seen from this location again.


