Stranger things have happened, DSC.

Though it's still a 'destination' location that development in the rest of the city hasn't caught up with yet, I'm finding that the Distillery has become a more interesting visit and is evolving a distinctive character. I think that, after that first wave where several galleries and retail establishments tried to make a go of it but eventually left, things have found a good balance. The infusion of more residents has added another level of layering to the experience, as has the theatre. The restaurants and patios were packed last night. It's not as frantic as I thought it would be, the atmosphere is nicely relaxed. Once the east waterfront is built out with Pier 27 / Corus / George Brown / Sugar Beach/ Sherbourne Park etc. etc. it'll make for a lovely stroll - along the downtown waterfront to this place.
in the latest Condo Guide (Sep 14-28) for Clear Spirit on page 119...."Official Ground Breaking Sept 19th at 11:00am"......:)
Looks like they're trying to make the hoarding for the Clear Spirit building the nicest hoarding EVER.


Taken this morning by me

are you sure that is hoarding or the construction of a presentation centre?

the large open areas look like they are for windows.
Those could be for backlit signs.

There is another section of this lovely fence where the 'courtyard' used to be. It is clearly only a hoarding - the excavation is immediately on the far side of it) and I would say the 'windows' are for signs (backlit, maybe.)
DSC has got to be right about that - with so many people strolling by, it makes sense to use that space for advertising. Wanna get a look at the hole in the ground? You'll have to go around to the parking lot side.

By keeping the hoarding a solid wall here, dust blowing into Distillery walkways will be minimized too, something they have to think more about here than at your average construction project where the builders don't have patrons sitting 50 feet away enjoying a meal alfresco.

This was from last weekend, it was pretty much complete minus the advertising in the 'windows'.

Daily Commercial News

Proj: 9057338-11
Toronto, Metro Toronto Reg ON
Clear Spirit, 55 Mill St, The Distillery District, M5A 3C4
$200,000,000 est

Start: November, 2009
Complete: December, 2011

Note: Const Mgr has issued an Invited Sub trade tender for excavation. An award is expected October, 2009. Invited Sub trade tenders will be issued sequentially as needed through late 2009/early 2010. Further update Winter, 2009. Unsolicited phone calls WILL NOT be accepted by the Const Mgr.

Project: concrete foundation, cast-in-place concrete structural frame, fuel fired heating system, proposed construction of 40-storey, 364-unit condo building, a 35-storey, 305-unit condo building, and a three to four-storey office and retail building.

Scope: 69,139 m²; 40 storeys; 2 storeys below grade; 3 structures; 669 units; parking for 1090 cars; 14,921 m²

Development: New

Category: Apartment bldgs; Commercial offices; Retail, wholesale services

First report Fri Feb 09, 2007. Last report Thu Aug 13, 2009.
This report Mon Sep 14, 2009.
Last edited:
I called the Sales office, and was told the groundbreaking will be on Sept. 26th, and invites will be sent out to people who purchased a unit. Can anyone else confirm?
The most beautiful hording I`ve ever seen in Toronto, especially without the advertising. I like the `blank` windows as they are. This should be recycled as the buildings`art component.
yeah the condo magazine advertised a Sept, 26th start date.
Or make the hoardings tall enough that they wouldn't even have to bother tearing anything down... and we wouldn't know they hadn't done it. That would be cheaper.

