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I still don't get it ... why would a grey-haired be His Blondness?

Well, Miller's hair's taken on a silver touch in office. But he's always been blond--and indeed, Laschinger made his hair the subject of one of his 2003 campaign posters. And AFAIK the Sun's been referring to His Blondness, if not since the beginning, then it might as well be...
Well, Miller's hair's taken on a silver touch in office. But he's always been blond--and indeed, Laschinger made his hair the subject of one of his 2003 campaign posters. And AFAIK the Sun's been referring to His Blondness, if not since the beginning, then it might as well be...
I wasn't in town for the 2003 campaign ... I've barely even heard of Laschinger. And I haven't read a Toronto Sun since the 1980s ...

Surely using bigoted terms to describe the mayor is a poor thing.

However, as other posters have pointed out, the Sun is a very bigoted publication. It's a shame that there are people who are so evil to read such bigotry.
To be fair I don't know whether Baker has officially backed any candidate for Mayor, but compared to Bussin he sounds like a rational choice for the Council chair. I didn't even know he was a Conservative until you just told me, thanks! But then again if 11,000 nfitz's show up at the ballot, rationality be damned. Interesting how you again decided to skim over the streetcar issue - a violation of Section 37 of the Planning Act; and I could add on to the list the Tuggs deal, the wall mural debacle, the bunny seat, charging the taxpayer for flowers sent to funerals, the self-promotion in local flyers, the Teehans, etc. Seems like Councillors' actions are only considered taboo and subject to punishment when a Councillor hails from the right of caucas.

But it'd have to take more than simple anti-Bussin blah blah blah to put Baker over the top--you need "the big mo" in place, in high concentration, sort of like what led Karen Stintz to defeat Anne Johnston in 2003. Otherwise, he'd be just another crank runnng for Council, like all that cannon fodder that Bussin's swept away in the past.

And it isn't as easy as it may seem--right now (providing he runs again) the primary NDPer I can see getting "Stintzed" is Howard Moscoe, and that's in large part because former Councillor Rob Davis is running against him. Maybe a few others (Maria "Shut Up" Augimeri?); but for the most part, the downtown/formercityofToronto NDP/lefties appear tough to budge, much less by a rightie. As for those not running again, Pantalone's ward looks fundamentally like a battle among lefties, while in Giambrone's and Kyle Rae's wards, the top non-NDP/left contenders (Ana Bailao? Simon Wookey?) are more like Liberal centrists. But the closest you'll find to truly viable Ford-ian allegiances is the fact that a former Canadian Alliance leadership contender is running for Kyle's seat--trouble is, it's Enza.
Surely using bigoted terms to describe the mayor is a poor thing.

However, as other posters have pointed out, the Sun is a very bigoted publication. It's a shame that there are people who are so evil to read such bigotry.

While the "His Blondness" label may be tabloid sloganeering (like "Socialist Silly Hall"), I'd be cautious about using the "bigotry" label, which in this case IMO belongs to the same anti-bigotry lunatic fringe as the idea of banning Porky Pig on the grounds of his ridiculing stuttering. And to be honest, I agree with Fresh Start here--fair's fair; if "His Blondness" is unacceptable on grounds of bigotry, so should all variations on a "fat fcuk" theme re Rob Ford.

Besides, I can get the Sun's drift here. "His Blondness" connotes Miller's perceived shallow, pretty-boy vacuity. The lefties floating all over him like the guys float all over Melody in those old Dan DeCarlo Josie & The Pussycats comics. Of course, it's an easier label to get away with than, say, "His Blackness" re Obama--still...
Well, Miller's hair's taken on a silver touch in office. But he's always been blond--and indeed, Laschinger made his hair the subject of one of his 2003 campaign posters. And AFAIK the Sun's been referring to His Blondness, if not since the beginning, then it might as well be...

Thank you. I am in awe that certain posters in this forum have never heard of terms such as "His Blondness" and Champagne Socialists before I started name-dropping 'em in discussions here. Makes me think they live in a very narrow bubble that doesn't extend north of Bloor Street where the comtempt for the Miller administration burns brightest. Those 1.8 million residents may have something to say to those status quo spendrifts come October the 25th.

Enza the Supermodel would make a great and interesting choice for Council, btw.
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I wasn't in town for the 2003 campaign ... I've barely even heard of Laschinger. And I haven't read a Toronto Sun since the 1980s ...

Surely using bigoted terms to describe the mayor is a poor thing.

However, as other posters have pointed out, the Sun is a very bigoted publication. It's a shame that there are people who are so evil to read such bigotry.

BIGOT -- a prejudiced person who is intolerant of any opinions differing from his own

Kettle meet the black pot. :rolleyes:
Of course, because I'm more accepting of "His Blondness", I'm also more accepting of all those negative labels of Rob Ford. So, from the other direction, fair's fair;-)
Besides, I can get the Sun's drift here. "His Blondness" connotes Miller's perceived shallow, pretty-boy vacuity.
That doesn't even make sense. Miller shallow? What, compared to Lastman? Rob Ford? It makes little sense.

Besides, the bigotry at the Toronto Sun, and of their readers, was documented quite well in one of the posts further above.

The articles referred to previously clearly demonstrate that the Toronto Sun is a bigoted publication. And now that we have that proven, it only seems likely that their really weird comments about other politicians that don't seem to have any basis in reality must be bigotry.

What other thing can explain the really weird things they publish?

As for the "Fat Fuck" nickname for Ford. The ONLY place I've ever seen this outside of this forum, is coming out of Rob Ford's mouth. Repeatedly. He's the first person that is recorded as using it. However if the shoe fits ...
BIGOT -- a prejudiced person who is intolerant of any opinions differing from his own

Kettle meet the black pot. :rolleyes:
I fully admit it. I'm bigoted against anti-gay, racial bigots, sexist bigots, and linguistic bigots. I hate and despise these evil criminals, and think they should be subject to the harshest applicable penalties.

Do you see a problem with that?
That doesn't even make sense. Miller shallow? What, compared to Lastman? Rob Ford? It makes little sense.

Besides, the bigotry at the Toronto Sun, and of their readers, was documented quite well in one of the posts further above.

The articles referred to previously clearly demonstrate that the Toronto Sun is a bigoted publication. And now that we have that proven, it only seems likely that their really weird comments about other politicians that don't seem to have any basis in reality must be bigotry.

What other thing can explain the really weird things they publish?

As for the "Fat Fuck" nickname for Ford. The ONLY place I've ever seen this outside of this forum, is coming out of Rob Ford's mouth. Repeatedly. He's the first person that is recorded as using it. However if the shoe fits ...

John Barber called Ford that derrogation, it's clearly demonstrated that he does in the video but the editors bleeped it out to make him look innocent and Ford (and Mammoliti) the villains. Yet another reaosn why I do not believe in your system of "journalism." And accusing ALL Toronto Sun readers of being evil is the stupidest thing you've ever posted. Do you think I'm evil nfitz? C'mon. Why do leftists have to resort to such schoolyard bully tactics to win an argument? Rob Ford is a living example of how people aren't going to back down from false accusations of racism, sexism, homophobia. This is all the intolerant left has - name calling. Left wing name calling is designed to induce guilt. In orther words, "I am a better human than you, because my views are better than yours. Therefore, my views are true and yours are false." Rob owes no one an apology for not sucking up to interest groups, and instead desiring that everyone be treated in the same manner. That's what liberty means to me, deal with it. When you call Rob bad names, that means you are calling his hundreds of thousands of supporters the same bad name. The left is dead, long live free speech and free thought. Bravo, Rob!

While you rely on anecdotal evidence coloured by the witness' own biases, I rely on the facts. Toronto Sun is targeted at a more straight male audience than the other publications, but so what? I'm not going to write off a whole perspective of thinking that is not being offered as much by other news media just because its stories are told from a certain slant or angle. What "really weird things" are they publishing that you object to, hmm?

I fully admit it. I'm bigoted against anti-gay, racial bigots, sexist bigots, and linguistic bigots. I hate and despise these evil criminals, and think they should be subject to the harshest applicable penalties.

Do you see a problem with that?

Again why must you make the leap that just because someone likes reading the Toronto Sun, that they are a bigot? And criminal, what are you the "thought police"? You may be surprised to learn the practically every ethnic and sexual group in Canada has a prejudice against one or several other groups. You can stop pretending that it's only straight, white, Christian males that are capable of bigotry - or that they alone comprise the Sun readers' demographic.
And accusing ALL Toronto Sun readers of being evil is the stupidest thing you've ever posted.
Of course it's the stupidest thing I've ever posted. I was trying to write in the Toronto Sun's bizarre over-the-top style. It seems the humour is lost on you ...

As for calling Rob Ford bad names. The man is evil personified. He has admitted to abusing people in the past, and there is no doubt he would do so in the future. Anyone who supports such low-life is a fool, and deserves to have their noses rubbed in the mess at their feet.
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That doesn't even make sense. Miller shallow? What, compared to Lastman? Rob Ford? It makes little sense.

I said, *perceived*. It isn't my own label.

And face it: there are those on the *left* who'd deem Miller to be wishy-washy inch-deep as well (though tellingly, *not* from the shallow-pretty-boy standpoint)
Rob Ford is a living example of how people aren't going to back down from false accusations of racism, sexism, homophobia.

While you rely on anecdotal evidence coloured by the witness' own biases, I rely on the facts

FS, do you really specialize in internal contradictions? Need I remind you your knowledge of facts has been proven to be woefully inadequate, as per the example of the LRV yard debate? Claming that you rely on facts when you have been caught knowing absolutely nothing - in fact, ranting in light of facts- kind of put your spin on things in a completely different perspective. Practice what you preach.

I just love how one elevates themselves to the pedestal of rationality when policywise it's nothing but emotional manipulation.

When you call Rob bad names, that means you are calling his hundreds of thousands of supporters the same bad name

Funny, considering how much name calling RF has been doing - perhaps YOU should apply the same standards to him, no? But of course, that's "free speech".

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FS, do you really specialize in internal contradictions? Need I remind you your knowledge of facts has been proven to be woefully inadequate, as per the example of the LRV yard debate? Claming that you rely on facts when you have been caught knowing absolutely nothing - in fact, ranting in light of facts- kind of put your spin on things in a completely different perspective. Practice what you preach.

I got the address wrong because I was citing from a blog page that was debating the Leslie/Eastern location and got June 2009/June 2010 confused in my haste to rebuttal my detractors. That still doesn't mean that there weren't better locations they could have built this thing than in Riverdale-Leslieville, the unofficial dumping grounds of Toronto. I caught my mistake and have apologized for it. What more can I do? At least I am willing to admit my mistakes, my opponents choose instead in the face of glaring argumentative defeat to deflect from the topical issues at hand and somehow turn every debate I'm an participant in into an assessment of my character.

I just love how one elevates themselves to the pedestal of rationality when policywise it's nothing but emotional manipulation.

That was not my intention. I don't think that my opinions are superior to anyone elses. That the left's penchant.

Funny, considering how much name calling RF has been doing - perhaps YOU should apply the same standards to him, no? But of course, that's "free speech".


Yeah, you're right, all the candidates are guilty of it. Only one seems to be the constant victim of the media's free speech to get away with slander masked as a news story though.
