Building Toronto
Advancing the schedule by four years would require an insane amount of extra money. Easily in the billions.
With enough money, they probably could. For example, building more stations at once and starting work on the surface section ASAP.
How about opening the Western portion first? (Though it sounds like we won't even have the vehicles to run on the tracks by 2018 anyway)
How about opening the Western portion first? (Though it sounds like we won't even have the vehicles to run on the tracks by 2018 anyway)
With enough money, they probably could. For example, building more stations at once and starting work on the surface section ASAP.
Advancing the schedule by four years would require an insane amount of extra money. Easily in the billions.
The main time constraint is that they can't just shut down the whole street completely for three years. They can only close down portions of the street, complete the work and then move to the next portion. Since most of the stations are under the intersections it not only affects Eglinton but all the cross streets as well.
So one side of the city will get upset because the western portion opens first! Thats insane. The tunnelling started in the west so it makes sense constructions starts there. By western end, do you mean west of Yonge or west of Eglinton west subway?T
Biggest issue is, it would be politically inconvenient since it would let one side of the city carp about the other side getting a better deal. The western side really isn't savvy of the timeline, so they aren't likely to get up in arms about having to wait like the east side. Better politics if it all opens together and we are one city, east to west.
In terms of rushing to make points for the election - don't kid yourself. Our politicians seem quite able to manufacture photo ops without anything substantive actually happening. Having a real ribbon cutting is not that critical to anyone's election campaign.
- Paul
So why not start at the first station in the west end now instead of waiting till tunnelling is completed? Plus I read on urban toronto that all the stations will be constructed at the same time. Does that not imply the whole street will be shut down or what?
I'd think the issue would be if the major cross streets all had limitations at the same time.They're building in a way that they'll always have two lanes open, one in each direction.
So one side of the city will get upset because the western portion opens first! Thats insane. The tunnelling started in the west so it makes sense constructions starts there. By western end, do you mean west of Yonge or west of Eglinton west subway?
Why? If the Liberals have the money give it up front instead of spreading it out over a longer period of time. Joh Tory had it right
So why not start at the first station in the west end now instead of waiting till tunnelling is completed? Plus I read on urban toronto that all the stations will be constructed at the same time. Does that not imply the whole street will be shut down or what?