It could have been worse. They could have installed the lighter panels to spell


down the side of the building!
Or as I've previously suggested re the "Crystal Blu" name, installing something like this up top
The building is such a sexy shape that it's a shame to detract from it with the contrast between the windows and the cladding. It would have looked so much more high-end if the the entire tower were virtually all the same colour so you couldn't really tell where the windows are.
The building is such a sexy shape that it's a shame to detract from it with the contrast between the windows and the cladding. It would have looked so much more high-end if the the entire tower were virtually all the same colour so you couldn't really tell where the windows are.

I think of a few nearby buildings like this, Bay 1001 & The Met/Met Encore come to mind. It's a good idea but the main problem with Crystal Blu is the colour of the windows and panels. As is, Blu has great, simple form however it's such a dreary, depressing grey that they used here. The good thing is that it looks OK on a cloudless, sunny day when the sun hits it just right.

Yeah, this is the main problem. the grey.

I don't know what these guys were thinking when they decided to go with this instead of the much better blue that's appearing on the upper floors. Someone really dropped the ball here.

I mean, the tower is called CrystalBlu for a reason.
Interesting points... i always wondered where the "blu" came from... It might as well have been Crystal Blahhhhhh!!

Here's a quick video i took on March 17, 2010 (i forgot to upload it till now!)


Vid by me: steveve :D
I noticed that some of the windows on the south podium have paper completely blocking the windows. I wonder if the "pale blue windows" appearing on upper floors are merely regular windows that are covered for some reason.

In any case, I would have thought people would generally be more supportive of quality development in the area. When you walk around south of Bloor there are lots of really unbelievably grim looking buildings. The new buildings, whether or not they are blue enough for some people, are a marked improvement of the disgusting Soviet bunkers that pock-mark the Toronto landscape.
quite true... unfortunately those who bought in the new buildings will have a couple of those grim buildings as part of their view. And your terminology of "Soviet Bunkers" always makes me laugh no matter how many times I hear it...
I'm perplexed by all this quacking about the color of panels. Is it fair to conclude that the builder is blind and/or stupid, or is it more likely that there is an explanation for the color of certain panels? Does anyone know if they will stay or go or what the function of the alternately colored panels will be?

They're spandrel panels that are used when the interior layout doesn;t allow vision glass at that location. i.e. if a purchaser wanted a closet expanded, etc. The light colour is used to blend with the eventual colour of the window blinds (as opposed to using the gray, which would appear as an abberation in the vertical lines of the building).

There are a couple of oddities though - where a gray panel has been replaced with vision glass (i.e. a bathroom or a kitchen gets a big window instead of a small one (maybe overhead cabinets were removed)).
In any case, I would have thought people would generally be more supportive of quality development in the area. When you walk around south of Bloor there are lots of really unbelievably grim looking buildings. The new buildings, whether or not they are blue enough for some people, are a marked improvement of the disgusting Soviet bunkers that pock-mark the Toronto landscape.

No. IMO people should be more critical of a project like this than supportive. The name Crystal Blu, the renderings and the model lead us to believe that the building would be blue. It's time that the City demands better. Specs. on materials to be used should be noted in the planning reports and then run past a design committee for input or suggestions to the developer. I'm not advocating the City having control over materials but it should play a role in helping to reduce the amount of crap that's popping up all over the place.
I so wanted to love Blu but I just can't get past that colour.
Easy does it.











I wonder if in this instance they would just borrow the Uptown crane to remove the final pieces.
Easy does it.
I wonder if in this instance they would just borrow the Uptown crane to remove the final pieces.

No enough stick as well no lifting capacity. Could help to dismantle the boom, but BLU would have to pay for it to be done.

There must be a 15T mobile crane out on the street to dismantle the boom and load the sections onto trucks.

Great view and time lap for the take down.
^ The mobile crane showed up around 1:30. There's very little room between the 2 buildings, one wrong move and Crystal Blu will be paying for new Uptown precast panels.
