Instead of some vaguely German inspiration for the name, they should have chosen Greek - the word Medusa comes to mind.
On a truly cloudy day, if you squint just hard enough the building will disappear. Silver lining!
They've even managed to make the brick podium look like the worst of the facadectomies that result from substandard heritage retention.

That Brickwork is atrocious. The gaps between the precast panel need some serious love. I can't see how the City could accept this as a final heritage reproduction product without further finishing and detailed sealing between the blocks....
This thing is just hilarious to me at this point — truly an icon of Toronto. It really represent us as we are. The perfect symbol.
Really. Speak for yourself! ' I ' and many others are not in your 'us'. In addition your diction is horrible.

I was thinking that although this building is not the best of what there is out there it is not the worst either.
