If you look at the photo in posting #318, you will see concrete being pour in this area.

I first thought it was for the tower crane base, but not sure now. Could be plugging up a water well or a river, but who knows?

If construction started on October 3rd, not much to show for it at this time. There is some construction around the exist subway entrance, but that's' all.
November 5th update-- crane going up!











Couldn't stay for the whole show, but good to see this moving on to the next phase of construction.
Why is it somewhat surprise to see the crane on the position? Is it not supposed to be there? I am sorry but I know nothing about construction. :p

A lot of progress took place. Very good.

Drum118, I don't know what camera you used previously, but I like the recent ones better. Very clear and bright.

Thanks again Drum118. :)
Finally, a nice and smooth concrete base!

Though only a tiny bit, but already a lot of progress as newbuyer says. Hopefully this project will start picking up some speed.
Why is it somewhat surprise to see the crane on the position? Is it not supposed to be there? I am sorry but I know nothing about construction. :p

A lot of progress took place. Very good.

Drum118, I don't know what camera you used previously, but I like the recent ones better. Very clear and bright.

Thanks again Drum118. :)

The weather has a lot to do with the photos and the day was a crappy one for shooting.

I have been using a canon SX10 SI all along until Sept, when I bought the Nikon D7000. Only had it a month and it was put in for servicing. Got it back on Nov 18 after parts arrived off shore. Shot 20 photos and wasted a day of shooting after getting it back, as there was still issue with it. Put it in Monday for service again and got it back Thursday with a new lens and adjustments. Was still having a few issues with it when I was shooting the site to the point I pull out the canon to shoot the this project, as I was not going to loos shots and another day of shooting.

Until I feel comfortable with the camera, will be using both cameras to make sure I am getting the shots I want. I get better long range zoom shots with the canon, than on the 18-105 Nikon lens.

As for work speeding up on the site, it will depend on the weather. During the winter months, things slow down due to the cold and snow. The 2nd level done should/could be done by spring.
Taken today. This is what is happening at the Eastern portion of the site. They have made progress since drum's post.




Thanks for the pics again, man!

Is that the foundation for Tower 1 or something else?

It looks to be the parking level. You can see the slope in the last picture clearly, which suggests they are working on P1.

There has been progress at the Northern portion of the site as well (drums 4th photo), but I didn't bother taking a photo of that since there was mud everywhere and my shoes were already disintegrated.

I am not too sure how many parking levels there are going to be. Anyone have an idea? I'd suspect they won't be working on the tower portions for a good few months (probably in Spring).
