Taken 18/06/2014


wow great shot! it's nowhere near the full NYCC skyline and yet it looks like a city that can stand on its own.

Great photos everyone! I too am digging the green glass.
These look absolutely huge in person. The taller tower looks like it's on the mechanical levels now. I'm curious to see how they will pull off the rest of the curve overhang on the shorter tower.
These look absolutely huge in person. The taller tower looks like it's on the mechanical levels now. I'm curious to see how they will pull off the rest of the curve overhang on the shorter tower.

No. None of them are on mechanical floors yet. Might seem like more height clearance because they are not working on top 2 penthouse floors. West tower on 32 (bottom). Taller East tower on 41 top/42 bottom. Whereas before it was a week per floor. Now, it's more like 3 weeks per floor.
No. None of them are on mechanical floors yet. Might seem like more height clearance because they are not working on top 2 penthouse floors. West tower on 32 (bottom). Taller East tower on 41 top/42 bottom. Whereas before it was a week per floor. Now, it's more like 3 weeks per floor.

huh? West tower has the mechanical floors poured, when looking up the curved out side of the building the last floor with all the beams is the main roof slab (considered level 33), the level below the top slab is the mechanical penthouse floor slab (considered level 32) which has all the mechanical units sitting ontop of it. There will be a steel structure on top of the current concrete roof but that will only be to extend the curved glass one additional floor beyond the current concrete roof.

(photo by marcanadian)


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huh? West tower has the mechanical floors poured, when looking up the curved out side of the building the last floor with all the beams is the main roof slab (considered level 34), the level below the top slab is the mechanical penthouse floor slab (considered level 33) which has all the mechanical units sitting ontop of it. There will be a steel structure on top of the current concrete roof but that will only be to extend the curved glass one additional floor beyond the current concrete roof.

No. That highest floor is NOT the 34th (mechanical floor). That is the 33rd floor for West tower curved side. 33 is the last residential storey for west tower. Mechanical starts at 34. Even the spine hasn't quite reached 34 yet (32 & 33 have larger height clearance).

Don't count podium as 4 storey. It's only 4 storey in middle (another way condo residents got short-changed on amenity floor - their rendering showed full podium floor worth of amenity on 3rd which became office space and amenity went to 4th floor and became about a third of size represented in rendering). Podium is only 3 storey on Yonge side and 3 storey on Beecroft side (as per that image you used taken by marcanadian from Beecroft Rd)

Fast way to count is the black holes on the spine - started at 18 and are at multiple of 3, 21 (covered now), 24, 27 (still visible). Likewise, East tower black hole at spine also started at 18 and are at multiples of 3, 36 is the last one on East tower.

I see these towers everyday. Attach are image taken today from by backyard and another one showing the black holes I use to count floors.


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No. That highest floor is NOT the 34th (mechanical floor). That is the 33rd floor for West tower curved side. 33 is the last residential storey for west tower. Mechanical starts at 34. Even the spine hasn't quite reached 34 yet (32 & 33 have larger height clearance).

Don't count podium as 4 storey. It's only 4 storey in middle (another way condo residents got short-changed on amenity floor - their rendering showed full podium floor worth of amenity on 3rd which became office space and amenity went to 4th floor and became about a third of size represented in rendering). Podium is only 3 storey on Yonge side and 3 storey on Beecroft side (as per that image you used taken by marcanadian from Beecroft Rd)

Fast way to count is the black holes on the spine - started at 18 and are at multiple of 3, 21 (covered now), 24, 27 (still visible). Likewise, East tower black hole at spine also started at 18 and are at multiples of 3, 36 is the last one on East tower.

I see these towers everyday. Attach are image taken today from by backyard and another one showing the black holes I use to count floors.

Sorry miscounted by a floor you are correct the last floor on West tower that has been poured is the 33rd floor, but it is the mech. roof slab, there are no more concrete floors for this west building, just a steel hss truss structure for the glass to extend up one more floor and have more of a curve. This west tower was misrepresented as 33 residential floors, but I can be sure that the 32nd floor has mechanical units sitting on top (boiler, electrical, chiller, pump, air unit, generator) because I needed to design the formwork/scaffolding to span over the air units and pick up the mess of beams on the mechanical roof slab above(@33rd). Last floor with residential units will be the 31st floor not 33 as this thread implies (penthouse floors are considered 26th-31st Penthouse floor 1-6).

As for the East tower, the floor they are currently picking up/pouring with the trusses and frames is the last "concrete" slab on the curved side of the building, this slab they are going to pour is once again the mechanical roof slab, mechanical units on this building will be located where the formwork currently is. There will be a couple higher concrete slabs on the other side opposite to the curve on east tower though. For this tower the last residental floor is going to be 40th not 42 as implied by the thread. (with 35th-40th being considered Penthouse Floor 1-6)
Sorry miscounted by a floor you are correct the last floor on West tower that has been poured is the 33rd floor, but it is the mech. roof slab, there are no more concrete floors for this west building, just a steel hss truss structure for the glass to extend up one more floor and have more of a curve. This west tower was misrepresented as 33 residential floors, but I can be sure that the 32nd floor has mechanical units sitting on top (boiler, electrical, chiller, pump, air unit, generator) because I needed to design the formwork/scaffolding to span over the air units and pick up the mess of beams on the mechanical roof slab above(@33rd). Last floor with residential units will be the 31st floor not 33 as this thread implies (penthouse floors are considered 26th-31st Penthouse floor 1-6).

As for the East tower, the floor they are currently picking up/pouring with the trusses and frames is the last "concrete" slab on the curved side of the building, this slab they are going to pour is once again the mechanical roof slab, mechanical units on this building will be located where the formwork currently is. There will be a couple higher concrete slabs on the other side opposite to the curve on east tower though. For this tower the last residental floor is going to be 40th not 42 as implied by the thread. (with 35th-40th being considered Penthouse Floor 1-6)

Attached photo of west tower from Bazis blog seem to indicate West tower has topped out on straight side.

Notice the thicker top (33rd) slab with edges to hold a rock garden or whatever medium they place on rooftop. This would indicate that mechanical on 32nd floor as per DanWaring post and thus 31 would be top residential storey for West Tower. The spine and curved side has not topped out yet. This isn't a straight roof; there are essentially 5 different levels at roof top for each tower.

The standard throughout these forums, City Planning and development industry is that when they state X floors for condominium towers they mean X floors of residential storeys, NOT including any mechanical floors, parapets and architectural features. Thus, X floors condominium tower will have X floors of residential storeys plus additional floor(s) for mechanical floors, parapets and architectural features. But then its possible (but odd) to have a floor that contains both residential and mechanical,... and with this developer anything is possible!

Anyway, thread header is still wrong. Gone from 40 + 30s (as per City Planning Final Report) to 42 + 32s to 42 + 33s to 40 + 32s,... should now be closer to 40 + 31s.

The 41st floor of East Tower, height and general lack of partition walls (thus far) seems to indicate mechanical floor - thus Steveve would be correct in that East Tower has reached mechanical level.


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Attached is a photo I took of the west Tower when I got home today. As you can see, there's 31 storey of residential floors (floor 5 to 31 - all within former 100m height limit) and one high height clearance mechanical floor on 32nd floor; whose ceiling cement slab (33rd clement slab) is the last one and is highly reinforced with horizontal cement beam structures (That last cement slab is wicked! From certain angles that huge cement slab looks like it's just floating unattached to the rest of the tower!). As you can see from the latest photo, they have just started on the 2 level (each level is about the same as one residential storey) steel hss (hollow structure section) truss today. It definitely wasn't there yesterday! Once this 2-level steel HSS truss is complete the West Tower will top out at about 113.37m. Thus, DanWaring previous comment in post# 1329 is correct.

Emerald Park West Tower has topped out.

For the 40 storey East Tower, they are still working on it's final cement slab on for the ceiling of it's mechanical floor. On East Tower, straight side will top out at 140.10m, spine at 142.80m and cuved side at 136.95m. Since the top of curve side for East Tower isn't as dramatic as that of west Tower (curve on West Tower raise higher from it's final cement slab and goes further away from spine of building); the East Tower probably won't need a large 2-level steel HSS truss to support the final curve at top, as the West Tower does.


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I received a letter in the mailbox today from Metropia (one of Bazis development partner on Emerald Park); stating that the southbound Yonge Street curb lane will be closed from July 15 to August 13 to facilitate the new subway connection from Emerald Park. I suspect TTC subway air vent work will also be done at this time to convert the old TTC stairway entrance (at north-west corner of Yonge & Poyntz) to an air pressure vent shaft. The widening of Poyntz for another westbound lane just west of Yonge Street should occur soon after (should get this done before end of September - mid October).

There was a similar letter from Gibson Square as well, mentioning closing 1 or 2 southbound Yonge Street lanes on most dates that already passed. One of the date mentioned was July 9th,... so maybe that's the day they'll take down the crane? (guessing, but they usually do that stuff on weekend to minimize disruption)
For the shorter 31 storey West Tower which has the more dramatic curve top: the general outline of the 2-level steel HSS (hollow structure section) truss is done (still have to reinforce the truss, throughout). The curve side, spine, straight side and gaps have all topped out for West Tower. Now it gives a good visuallization of the roofline and how the curve structure will be at the top. Just imagine everything covered in the same green glass and dollarama green panel.


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For the shorter 31 storey West Tower which has the more dramatic curve top: the general outline of the 2-level steel HSS (hollow structure section) truss is done (still have to reinforce the truss, throughout). The curve side, spine, straight side and gaps have all topped out for West Tower. Now it gives a good visuallization of the roofline and how the curve structure will be at the top. Just imagine everything covered in the same green glass and dollarama green panel.

The curve would have been more dramatic if the truss section was a lot more taller compared to the spine, like in the renderings.
