True, but AG probably wants a recladding and an additional 700ft added also so we have a supertall.
The Simpson Tower actually isn't all that bad looking, but unfortunately it with the rest of the south side of Queen make for an oppressive all-concrete stretch to University. It really is an extremely unwelcoming walk.
Hmm..doesn't reveal much.. "some major construction projects on hold"???? Which ones?? They mentioned MaRS and FCP re-facing. Also, reporter says that BAC is 60 storeys..ummm..I think he needs to check his sources.
Who has time to check the facts before reporting them?

FCP makeover on hold? Damn it :( It's not going to be able to be put on hold for too long though.
Hmm..doesn't reveal much.. "some major construction projects on hold"???? Which ones?? They mentioned MaRS and FCP re-facing. Also, reporter says that BAC is 60 storeys..ummm..I think he needs to check his sources.

It was also odd that he mentioned that the marble on FCP would be replaced by glass "windows", suggesting new apertures in the facade.
Hmm..doesn't reveal much.. "some major construction projects on hold"???? Which ones?? They mentioned MaRS and FCP re-facing. Also, reporter says that BAC is 60 storeys..ummm..I think he needs to check his sources.
Agreed, I thought the report was alarmist. With that intro I was expecting them to reveal a whole bunch of cancelled projects, yet all they revealed was MaRS (old news) and the FCP makeover. They made reference to a whole bunch of other cancelled projects, but never mentioned what they were.
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That's because with the exception of MaRS and a condo at the foot of Bay there is nothing else which has halted construction in the city.

Lots of "proposals" have been put on hold, though. But not cancelled. And even MaRS and Pinnacle Centre will likely start up again at some point in the future....
Exactly. Not one condo with 70% plus in sales has been cancelled (and a number of condos with less than 70% in sales continue to rise).

I suspect though. that condos presently under 60% in sales will have a hard time getting off the ground during the next year or so.
Agreed, I thought the report was alarmist. With that intro I was expecting them to reveal a whole bunch of cancelled projects, yet all they revealted was MaRS (old news) and the FCP makeover. They made reference to a whole bunch of other cancelled projects, but never mentioned what they were.

CBC "alarmist"? Surely you jest. What's next, a suggestion they have some sort of left wing agenda? :D
Last night I was checking out the new International Commerce Center in Hong Kong and thought that this facade would look great on FCP. The angle of the windows allows for great opportunities with lighting and a potential redevelopment of the base complex.

Here are some pics of the ICC from Skyscrapercity




What do you all think?
too glassy.
