The CN Tower could use this facelift.

Hmm maybe CN Tower in 2026? It is a huge symbol of Toronto (and the only thing American know about Canada).

I'm just hopeful people will see the success of FCP. Lets face it, when it done, FCP will be the most attractive office tower in Toronto (personally).
But the CN Tower isn't actually clad, is it?

Give it a quick power wash and it will be Oh yeah while they are at it, add an extra 50 meter spire to its height so it could take back the worlds tallest telecommunication tower..:D
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Hmm maybe CN Tower in 2026? It is a huge symbol of Toronto (and the only thing American know about Canada).

I'm just hopeful people will see the success of FCP. Lets face it, when it done, FCP will be the most attractive office tower in Toronto (personally).

1. Not true, Americans know about our ice Parliament Buildings.. And the dome we have to put over it so it doesn't melt during our 3 days in August above 0 degrees...
2. To be honest, I still think Scotia Plaza is the best skyscraper in Toronto, I dont know why, it's just my favourite..
How about instead of a "clad" for the CN Tower, it's simply painted? I think a nice white or gray finish would look great on it.

Or maybe paint it red to reflect the Canadian Flag. A mix of red and white could also work.

I know it's a little off topic. FCP is looking great! I like the new BMO logos!
^^ Please, no more gray! Being surrounded by gray buildings is getting depressing. Clad that tower, in anything but gray.
To be honest, I still think Scotia Plaza is the best skyscraper in Toronto, I dont know why

Because it's not grey concrete or green glass?

I also think that it is an outstanding building -- in colour, materials, and shape it departs substantially from the rest of the minimalist modernist boxes in the downtown core.
What are they doing to that one tower at the T-D centre (as shown in Caltrane's post #1390)?
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The north and east sides of FCP from Saturday

Click on the thumbnail to enlarge, then click again on the image for full size.

...and today

Boy, those dark corners really add definition and "spiffiness" to the building. It is really going to look fresh after this ("minty" fresh, but fresh nonetheless).
The more of it we see, the less the minty tint is apparent. I'm hoping this will continue to be the case, as the upper panels reflect more of the sky. Once we get midway and down, we should be seeing reflections of the surrounding cityscape that FCP was never reflective enough to show before. And of course with this, any tint will be less apparent.
The more of it we see, the less the minty tint is apparent. I'm hoping this will continue to be the case, as the upper panels reflect more of the sky...

Yes and no.

In speaking of relative to the old facade I will agree that the more we see of it, the less minty it appears in recent shots. However, if you compare it to other white buildings in the same image you see the mintiness again.

For example: Look at FCP's new cladding in dt_toronto_geek`s first picture, compared to the top of 250 Yonge Street at the Eaton Centre. 250 Yonge has white cladding, (albeit probably aged and dirty) but nonetheless very white compared to FCP.

Still... I love the new look and do not mind the tint change.
True, it does still have its own tint, but I still believe it will become less noticeable even when there's no more old cladding to compare it to. As we've seen from photos, the colour varies dramatically between sky conditions, and the reflections of the cityscape on lower levels will mask any tint as well.

Either way though, I was disappointed at first, but can't deny that it's looking pretty great now.
