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If the Toronto market stays strong, the next construction zone....Spadina to Bathurst and Front north to Wellington
Obviously excluding Draper street, and a couple neat buildings on the south side of Wellington.
It's clearly not THAT bad if I do it on a semi-daily basis, but I've almost gotten killed three times by speeding cab drivers or irresponsible drivers.

Portland might be marginally better, but I need to cross the railways. Can't wait til the new bridge opens, then I can give it a serious try.

Odd, likely depends on times of day, but I always found the Beverly to Stephanie to John to Front route pretty good. John street is a bit tight, but since it's slow(er) I generally take my position behind a car, instead of beside them. And with the construction going down that way, that's also generally needed anyways.
I think Toronto needs more of these kinds of buildings. Reminds me a bit of the new student center to be built on Yonge for Ryerson.
Hearing Date: Wednesday, May 16, 2012 Time: 1:00 p.m. Location: Committee Room 2 -Toronto City Hall -100 Queen Street West

File Number: A0089/12TEY Zoning RA (WAIVER) Ward: Trinity-Spadina
Property Address: 6 -18 SPADINA AVE Community:
Legal Description: PLAN D1473 BLK Y PT BLK X PLAN 209 LOTS 13 14 & 15 PT LOT 12
To demolish the existing car dealership and construct a new office building ranging from 6-19 storeys with three levels of below grade parking.

1. Section 4, 7 Part III 2 & 12 260, By-law 438-86
The maximum permitted building height is 39 m for the south portion of the property and 61 m for the
north portion of the property excluding the mechanical penthouse.
The building will have a height of 82.75 m including the mechanical penthouse.

2. Section 12 260 and , By-law 438-86
The building shall be constructed within a 44 degree angular plane measured above a base height of 29
m along Spadina Avenue.
A portion of the building will penetrate the angular plane.

3. Section 7 Part II 1, By-law 438-86
The minimum required setback for a portion of a building that is located beyond 25 m from a public
street or park is 7.5 m from the side and rear lot lines.
The building will be setback 0 m to the side and rear lot lines.

4. Section 12 246, By-law 438-86
No part of a building shall be located more than 50 m back from a lot line abutting a street.
A portion of the building will be located up to 86.1 m from Front St. West and up to 63.2 m from
Spadina Avenue.

5. Section 12 246, By-law 438-86
One loading space Type C, one loading space Type A, and four loading space Type B shall be provided.
No loading space Type A will be provided.
Three Type C loading spaces and two Type B loading spaces will be provided.

6. Section 4, By-law 438-86
The minimum width of a parking space is 2.6 m, which shall be increased by 0.3 m for each side of a parking space that is obstructed. In this case, 12 parking spaces are obstructed on one side and will have varying widths to a minimum of 2.6 m.
Biking down Peter or John streets is a nightmare, and I have to do so almost every day. Does anyone know a non-dangerous biking route from Beverly to Front St.?

I find John St marginally better than Peter; my preferred route from Beverly to Front is Beverly - Grange Park - John - Nelson - Simcoe - Front.
Since the Globe is putting up a pay wall on its website, I wonder if you'll need to be a subscriber to access the public components of the building?
Application: Demolition Folder (DM) Status: Not Started

Location: 6 SPADINA AVE

Ward 20: Trinity-Spadina

Application#: 12 228639 DEM 00 DM Accepted Date: Aug 14, 2012

Project: Car Dealership Demolition

Description: Proposal to demolish 1 storey car dealership. See also 12 119509 MV and 12 127167 STE.
Higher capacity vehicles will mean less bunching and lower dwell times because of better loading/unloading design (more doors, low floor). Larger vehicles will allow for longer headways, which may allow them to start using signal priority. It will also make the line a bit more cost-efficient too, as fewer vehicles (operators) will be needed for the same or increased capacity. This may also allow them to increase service south of King.

This won't solve all the problems, but it will make a noticeable improvement. Every bit helps.

Yes, every bit helps, but that's not good enough and we don't want to settle for it. The streetcars stop WAY too often between stops. People can walk two blocks to get to the streetcar instead of one; even that would speed up the streetcar immensely.
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