Is there an updated track layout available? One showing the tail tracks, sidings, wyes, and non-revenue tracks?
I assume you mean the Square One section. From the 2014 EA page 4-3
can we all get them to change their minds on the routing. i like the alternating loops but there NEEDS to be a through route
Nothing is impossible. I am not an expert on municipal politics and lobbying, but if @drum118 can't do it then it's not going to be easy. Perhaps write to the mayor and your city councillor?
Because somebody over at city hall or Metrolinx made a stupid and unwise decision.
It was City Hall

Nothing is impossible. I am not an expert on municipal politics and lobbying, but if @drum118 can't do it then it's not going to be easy. Perhaps write to the mayor and your city councillor?
Wasting your time writing the Mayor or Councilors since this is a done deal. They thought it would be nice to have this line waste riders travel time to service City Hall and the condos around it. Then there was Sq One Mall thats needs to be feed with riders.

The city talks great about having transit as #1 priority, but clueless how to do it as well making it easy to travel the city.
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I assume you mean the Square One section. From the 2014 EA page 4-3

Actually, for the entire Hurontario line.

As for the loop, I can see trains using the loops for broken down trains or other emergencies. Hopefully, they'll have the appropriate monitor screens with changeable route information, as needed.
Because somebody over at city hall or Metrolinx made a stupid and unwise decision.

It was City Hall

And some are told that only ML/Province can make routing decisions..,,,not local government:) ;)

Kidding aside, whenever I want to get to port credit I take the 7 south to Courtney Park then the 103 straight down Hurontario.....I cannot imagine an LRT that loops a mall and forces a transfer is going to improve my experience......but maybe I am wrong.....people keep telling me I am.
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Nothing is impossible. I am not an expert on municipal politics and lobbying, but if @drum118 can't do it then it's not going to be easy. Perhaps write to the mayor and your city councillor?

Why would what drum118 can or cannot do matter? Keep in mind, we still don’t actually know publicly here who he is and what he does.
Well if so, that's an incredibly useless route. If they're really not going to go for Main, then might as well do Kennedy, where they have more right-of-way, and at least some density, and potential for more.

In the same week the New Brampton meeting happened, the Brampton Board of Trade held Elected Leaders Forum. Someone who was there told me Councillor Gael Milles also said the Steeles-McLaughlin-Queen-Kennedy-Steeles loop is a great idea. The event was recorded here (2:16:50) so if you want to scroll through to verify be my guest.

And some are told that only ML/Province can make routing decisions..,,,not local government:) ;)

Since the Main alignment was in the City's OP and other master plan docs, maybe the Province was listening to what the City wanted even more closely than some Councillors who claim to represent the City ;)
In the same week the New Brampton meeting happened, the Brampton Board of Trade held Elected Leaders Forum. Someone who was there told me Councillor Gael Milles also said the Steeles-McLaughlin-Queen-Kennedy-Steeles loop is a great idea. The event was recorded here (2:16:50) so if you want to scroll through to verify be my guest.

Since the Main alignment was in the City's OP and other master plan docs, maybe the Province was listening to what the City wanted even more closely than some Councillors who claim to represent the City ;)
Wow, UrbanToronto Forums has Facebook integration but not Twitter? :mad:
Since the Main alignment was in the City's OP and other master plan docs, maybe the Province was listening to what the City wanted even more closely than some Councillors who claim to represent the City ;)

Is that the same official plan that has the entire length of Main shown as a BRT corridor? Or is there a different version (honest question....but this is the transit schedule listed on the city's web page). Plan/Schedule C Transit Network.pdf
