Interested is correct! - You win a million dollar condo in Shangri La


Add up all of these photos, and I get to the 16th storey.

From last week:


They are still on the same floor as last week.

Here's how to do it:

Find the 4th storey as indicated by Khristopher on the view from the southeast on the view from the northeast in Caltrane's photo, then count up. You'll see that the floor that corresponds with the 15 on the hoist doors is the 13th storey.

How deso that happen? Well, it only works if the following is true: maybe Khristopher has mis-labeled the second storey. I think that it may only be the upper part of the 1st floor. If there is a partial floor in there, it may just be called M (for Mezzanine of course). That would be followed by the 3rd floor where Khris has 4. No surprise that a China-based hotel chain might not want a 4th floor. That would put 12 where Khris has 13, and then 15 (as we can see in Caltrane's photo) on the 14th storey, because a Chinese hotel chain will skip the 14th as well naturally. Count up and they are on the 16th storey now, or the 18th floor.

they marked 14 on the construction hoist above.

As far as I can tell they only skipped the 13th floor. - as i checked through my cameras viewfinder this/yesterday morning.

And I have the photo too.
here is the photo.


Actually it makes no difference what floor they are on right now, as they are moving so fast with construction that I'm pretty sure when I head out tomorrow/this morning for sure they will be in the process of forming new floors. And by the end of the week one way or another, they will be working on the 19th floor.
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Sure they marked it as the 14th floor. It's still the 13th storey in a 65 storey building. We should really not be leaving floor numbers out when counting constructed storeys. I am getting tired of saying that though, so I'll leave it at that.
Hmm. I know that the floor numbers are not so important - I'm just curious where the missing floor fits in.

The building has a 2 story penthouse on floors 65 and 66. If they leave out 13, that would mean that floor 66 is the 65th story.

I don't think they are leaving out floors with the number 4 despite its implications of "death".

The reason I believe we may be arguing about story 16 or 17 (vs. floor 17 or 18) is on the North end there is 1/2 a floor higher than at the South based on the last highest picture I saw. I may still be wrong but that is how I come up with the count.
You are exactly right interested. khristopher was counting the building which is actually one floor lower than the northside of the building, as it stands this morning as I did my daily walk before 8am.

So everyone is actually right. We were just using different sides of the building to do the floor counts.
the majority of people i meet who have just moved in have moved from their parents houses in the surrounding suburbs.

the rest have moved here from other places in canada....

Let's not forget either folks, that many NON-FOREIGN residents within the GTA have expendable incomes. Many have multiple properties throughout the region, downtown condos included.
I don't think they are leaving out floors with the number 4 despite its implications of "death".

I was pretty sure I read on this forum somewhere a year or two ago that City Planning put a stop to eliminating floors with "4's", no?
You are exactly right interested. khristopher was counting the building which is actually one floor lower than the northside of the building, as it stands this morning as I did my daily walk before 8am.

So everyone is actually right. We were just using different sides of the building to do the floor counts.

Actually, I was including that floor. Floor #3.
Actually, I was including that floor. Floor #3.

Kristopher, we should all know presumably what is going on since floor 18 I believe is the first residential floor (floor 18 being story 17).

As well, since the thickness of the floors is to be 11", I think we will actually see that the floors are thicker starting on 18 though possibly they will make floor 19 only the thicker floor since if they are wanting to dampen the floor more, floor 18 will be the first residential floor and hence his ceiling or the floor on 19 will be thicker.

Sorry, that was about as clear as mud but I think you get my gist.
You are exactly right interested. khristopher was counting the building which is actually one floor lower than the northside of the building, as it stands this morning as I did my daily walk before 8am.

So everyone is actually right. We were just using different sides of the building to do the floor counts.


On your morning walk tomorrow, can you take a boo and see if there are more windows installed?

And possibly snap a quick picture?

No more glass was installed when I walked by this morning, so I didn't bother taking a picture.

Here are some quick shots on my way down to King West.


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