I say..not even close.

this tower might be more interesting to the eye though, the overall design of the tower is much more engaging that Four Seasons (which i think is a conservative looking tower)... But in terms of glass quality, four seasons pretty much definitely outclasses everything in the city.
this tower might be more interesting to the eye though, the overall design of the tower is much more engaging that Four Seasons (which i think is a conservative looking tower)... But in terms of glass quality, four seasons pretty much definitely outclasses everything in the city.

I agree Steveve, 4S outclasses everything in the city so far.

But the SL looks awefully good based on what we have seen so far.

I suspect once we see more of it, especially on the East face with its design features and angles(but also the West face), provided the glass on the other 3 sides (as not tinted) looks as good as what we see and I imagine the South will look like when more complete, SL may compete head to head. That said, 4S has set the bar, no doubt about that.

From what I have seen so far, however, I am keeping my fingers crossed that we will all be impressed when we see SL a bit more done up.
Have no fear, when more cladding goes up on the Angled walls this week or next, I will be there to catch the images for you.

Should be interesting to see how that lines up.
Have no fear, when more cladding goes up on the Angled walls this week or next, I will be there to catch the images for you.

Should be interesting to see how that lines up.

Not scared Cal, but rather hopeful.

I am curious as to the colour of the glass on the East/West and North faces but also to see a bit more on the South so I can get a better feel for how this all goes together.

Like a kid in a chocolate store. What can I say.
Took this a few hours ago:

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thanks for the update.. I had my camera this morning, but don't walk by this side. And it'll be too dark this evening.

I might try and check the progress though.
Took this a few hours ago:


Is that the actual glass or is there some sort of coating/plastic on it. If not, it would appear that the West is the same colour as the South side. Perhaps they tinted the West as well because of more sun.
Curious to see when we get our first glass on the East or North side.
Thanks for pic, Kristopher.
And where exactly would like to place that hot pink coloured building ED? Hopefully beside where you live and not where I am going to be.

I would have no problem living close or within something with that colour.
Just took a few more photos.
This one is from my window at Boutique Condos:


From Simcoe and Adelaide:


A crop showing more detail:

My Conclusion:

The glass on Shangri La is as good as the Glass at the Four Seasons in Yorkville, and 18 York. Both of which are currently under construction.

This is Good!
