Just took a few more photos.
This one is from my window at Boutique Condos:


From Simcoe and Adelaide:


A crop showing more detail:


So Kristopher, is the glass totally clear or silver colour on the West side and that is a protective blue film on the West side?
I assume the South remains with that blue tint.
Either way, I agree with Cal, the glass seems to do it for me.
I think from what I can see, it is of the same quality as 4S.

Steveve, based on what you are seeing, do you agree?
It was really hard to tell, as the angle was difficult to see from. I don't think it was totally clear though.
It was really hard to tell, as the angle was difficult to see from. I don't think it was totally clear though.

But definately not the blue colour on the West side. That is just a protective film. Correct?
I am assuming the South side is actually blue and not a protective film that comes off.
Is that your conclusion on both these issues?Thanks.
But definately not the blue colour on the West side. That is just a protective film. Correct?
I am assuming the South side is actually blue and not a protective film that comes off.
Is that your conclusion on both these issues?Thanks.

I don't think film would reflect light as brightly as the glass on the west side does in his second and third photos.
I don't think film would reflect light as brightly as the glass on the west side does in his second and third photos.

Sorry, I am not sure we are talking about the same thing.

If I am looking at these pictures correctly, the blue on the West side is a film. The clear/silver colour is the actual glass. That is as opposed to the South side where the blue is the actual glass: It is tinted because of the increased sun exposure. At least that is my assumption/understanding. This is what I am trying to clarify.
Sorry, I am not sure we are talking about the same thing.

If I am looking at these pictures correctly, the blue on the West side is a film. The clear/silver colour is the actual glass. That is as opposed to the South side where the blue is the actual glass: It is tinted because of the increased sun exposure. At least that is my assumption/understanding. This is what I am trying to clarify.

I don't think there's any film on the west side. I think what you're seeing is direct sunlight hitting those two panels, thus making them look more silver.

If it were film, why does the film seem to "grow" over one of the panes of glass from the second to third photo?
The glass is supposed to be blue. According to all of the renders anyway. I just expect that we'll see 2 or 3 shades of blue.
OK Kris and Ramako.
I am not making myself clear and I apologize.

I was wondering whether on the West side the blue colour I am seeing is like a strip of plastic that peels off and reveals clear glass underneath. I was thinking the stip may be there to protect in transport and had been peeled off the 2 most Northerly facing panels on the West wall and partially peeled off on the 3rd..

If you look on the West side, 2 panels look clear. Then the 3rd looks clear at the bottom and blue at the top. Are you saying that this is just the difference from where the sun hits the panel and hence with direct light it is clear and if no sun or minimal sun it appears blue.

I guess maybe it is just the way it reflects based on sun position/lighting. If so, that makes for a really interesting contrast.

I thought
Skyscraper cladding VERY RARELY employs a protective film once it's installed. I can think of maybe 2 or 3 examples in the last decade. That is the final glass we are seeing on the West (Albeit still dirty from transport). You are seeing the clear sky reflecting on the first two panels, then the reflection of a building for the rest. That's why they appear different.

Everyone has been talking all along that the SOUTH glass was heavily tinted blue because of the sun and I have to admit I didn't know what they were talking about. It looks fairly transparent with a neutral-grey density, as used in sunglasses. Now the shadow-boxed spandrel (Yes, look closely, it's shadow-boxed. Only it's fairly shallow.) above and below the South glazing, that has a greenish tint to my eye.

To me, the glass on the West is more blue and quite mirrored and not as transparent. This is all as the renders prepared me for. I was expecting a mirror like blue on the East and west and a more Silvery color for the North and South.
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Skyscraper cladding VERY RARELY employs a protective film once it's installed. I can think of maybe 2 or 3 examples in the last decade. That is the final glass we are seeing on the West (Albeit still dirty from transport). You are seeing the clear sky reflecting on the first two panels, then the reflection of a building for the rest. That's why they appear different.

Everyone has been talking all along that the SOUTH glass was heavily tinted blue because of the sun and I have to admit I didn't know what they were talking about. It looks fairly transparent with a neutral-grey density, as used in sunglasses. Now the shadow-boxed spandrel (Yes, look closely, it's shadow-boxed. Only it's fairly shallow.) above and below the South glazing, that has a greenish tint to my eye.

To me, the glass on the West is more blue and quite mirrored and not as transparent. This is all as the renders prepared me for. I was expecting a mirror like blue on the East and west and a more Silvery color for the North and South.

OK thank you Traynor. So I understand that it is just the way light catches the glass. It looks blue in darkness/shade and much clearer in sun.
And yes, my understanding was that the South side would have a "film applied" to ensure that it would not get too hot in summer. Basically by film I mean a somewhat darkened tinted glass.
However, if this is correct, i would think the North side will be closer to the East and West as there would be no need for the darkening required for the South.

I apologize to all for my previous posts as I mistook my cursery initial look at the pictures with some being clear/silver and some being blue to be a detachable proetective layer. I now appreciate it was just the way the light catches the building.
All you are seeing is reflection on those two panes. This glass is highly reflective.
That west wall looks kinked to me. The two northmost panels aren't on the same plane as the ones to the south, that's why there's a discrepancy in the reflections.
The glass on Shangri-la in Vancouver had a similar level of distortion (wavey reflections) as those west facing panels have. The viewing angle amplifies the distortion compared to looking at it face in.
