ya theres not usually that many updates on this one. im not sure why but this has to be one of my favorite buildings in the city and its going to be pretty tall too so...???
The only things which have changed from Gregarious' last picture are that a second wall has gone up just north of the elevator core and the large dirt ramp is a bit smaller. Not that this is moving slowly or anything, they just need to get that dirt out of there before more rapid-paced construction can begin.

Then you will have your pictures. Conversely, you could treat us to a photo tour including Shangri-La!
Took this a few minutes ago. Looks like they've poured a few more elevator pits. I think the excavation is almost done, it's nearly flat across the bottom of the hole now.

Oh yeah, lot's to do down there.

Then again, it's amazing how much has been done within the giant Four Seasons hole.
