May 8



is the pit cleared yet if not when is it supposed to be

Did you look at the photo above as well the date, it will answer your question.

May 18
Last edited:
That's a great shot, it's very dramatic showing how deep it is. It's too bad that a construction worker or two weren't down there to really give it some scale.
Two updates in one day. thats got to be a record for shangri la.

Why are there never any updates on this?
Interesting angle on that last shot....

Why are there never any updates on this?

wait till next year....once this one is out of the hole, interest here will soar....
Two updates in one day. thats got to be a record for shangri la.

Why are there never any updates on this?

I demand excavation updates by the hour and play-by-play concrete forming status!

Parking garage building is typically the least interesting phase of construction. Want a preview of the next 12 months? Go read the first few dozen pages of almost any other project thread and pretend everyone's talking about Shangri-La.
is the pit cleared yet if not when is it supposed to be

I saw a truck full of shale making a turn onto King St. on Friday (May 22), so excavation must still be going on... Probably the last little bits of remaining material being removed.
