Why not sooner? Just pave it. It's not like it need magic pixie dust or something. It's just a road.

First, I'm not the project manager, so I can't speak to all the details to which said party would have access and I do not.

Second, you can see that the sidewalks aren't ready, the traffic lights probably aren't ready, no landscaping has been done either, and crews have schedules to adhere to and other work to do.

So if you paved the road surface tomorrow, the road would not open. Then you'd just be hopping up and down about that, LOL
Once the bridge is removed it looks like Old Cherry Street will end at Villiers on the north end and Commissioners on the south end. Hopefully they'll rename it. Old Cherry right next to Cherry is a bit goofy.

Screenshot 2023-07-02 at 5.02.36 PM.png
That lift bridge is almost semi-historic it has been around so long. Will be almost as weird seeing it gone as seeing Captain John's finally gone.
You realise you are making me (and some others around here) feel VERY old. It was built in 1968 :->

The City of Toronto government once operated a swing bridge over the Keating Channel at or near Cherry Street. The current bridge, constructed in 1968, is a vehicle and pedestrian bascule bridge, with a metal mesh deck. The original swing bridge was made of wood, and only carried a single rail line, operated by the Grand Trunk Railway. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cherry_Street_lift_bridge
But then Cherry Street BBQ won't be on a Cherry Street!

LOL, but have to say, Gerrard Pizza ( may it rest in peace) was on Danforth for as long as I patronized it.
It's a BlogTO article so it's borderline useless, but amusing read nonetheless.

Love that they say the rivers won't flow until 2025. Hehe.
"Confused?" Looks like clueless idjits surfing for demerit points to me. /bleh
