The Hudson Bay Centre is always what Maple Leaf Square strikes me as a modern version of... even the way the complex transitions from podium to tower with the vents at the bottom of the tower.
None of the above is 186 meters tall on a 10 or 11 storey podium... this project sets the new mark for toronto. manulife and empress did what they had to in their respective eras... moreso for manulife...but toronto has a new champ in the mixed use department..
Empress is nothing to laugh at, not the podium at least. It has a movie theater on the top floor!
None of the above is 186 meters tall on a 10 or 11 storey podium... this project sets the new mark for toronto. manulife and empress did what they had to in their respective eras... moreso for manulife...but toronto has a new champ in the mixed use department..

On top of The Concourse is The Bay Store, The Marriott Hotel, below and above grade parking and then the Plaza II apartments stacked on top is pretty substantial especially considering it was completed way back in the mid-70's, albeit only 126m in height.

yes, the bay, empress and manulife are all impressive mixed use developments... i like mls cuz its tall its a superbeast at ground level and not like the bloor-bay -hudson bay centre with its concrete bunker poduim... this one will be sweet and sexy glass any wayhigher than those buildings in the 70s. those former buildings were built at the height of a previous boom and revival in toronto...these (mls) buildings are marking the new building resurgance now underway in toronto...fancy ledlighting..fancy places to eat and buy food..sleep and have fun.. a throughbred entertainment complex.
I think everyone here is arguing the same thing-- I simply stated a page back that MLS is not architecturally stunning but is a step up from typical Toronto condo projects because of its huge podium. ProjectEnd pointed out that this is because of its program/mixed use (which I think we were all aware of-- I mean, look at it) and now we are trying to argue if it is more substantial than past mixed use podium-with-towers developments.

Bottom line: We all know that Maple Leaf Square is much larger than most condos in the past boom, and is comparable to developments such as the Hudson's Bay complex and Empress Walk from the past. Its program is such that the project has a much heftier setup than other condos we've seen lately, though the point towers themselves and the project as a whole are not architecturally breakthrough. Also, MLS is, of course, an evolved and more 21st century spin on mixed-use development.

Is that a fair sum-up? Or will ProjectEnd tell me that my comparisons are invalid?
mls from the top


by me

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These towers are finally starting to grow on me. I really think that the roof element and angled balcony treatment will give the towers a more cohesive look or theme that will distinguish them from the rest of the glass towers around them.
These towers are finally starting to grow on me. I really think that the roof element and angled balcony treatment will give the towers a more cohesive look or theme that will distinguish them from the rest of the glass towers around them.

A box is a box is a ...... the Downtown Toronto core's recent condo outbursts resemble some 3-dimensional bar graph. Hopefully next generation construction such as the nearby Ice buildings holds some promise that might offset the monotony.
Nice shots!

I really like how the boxes add some architectural uniqueness to the otherwise plain buildings (not to mention they add some height!)

***I just think the colour of the boxes are a little to bright coloured and don't match the rest of the building that much.... we'll see how it turns out :)

MLS and Success look really nice together... they were made for each other
