It looks like about another 5-6 floors to go on each tower, plus mechanical and they'll finally top out.
Some pics from this morning.



I think this is my favourite project right now. And judging by all the photos people are posting, I'm not alone.

I think it has an added bit of excitement because of the possibilities for a great public realm outside the ACC, and visions of people gathering outside in celebration as Toronto teams go deep into the playoffs inside...
I think it has an added bit of excitement because of the possibilities for a great public realm outside the ACC, and visions of people gathering outside in celebration as Toronto teams go deep into the playoffs inside...

Unfortunately leafs suck, raptors suck and the toronto rock suck:)

i dont like the look of the mechanical boxes on top. They look to bulky and i dont like the idea of it being a big blank concrete box:(, i hope they turn out alot better than in the renders.
i dont like the look of the mechanical boxes on top. They look to bulky and i dont like the idea of it being a big blank concrete box:(, i hope they turn out alot better than in the renders.

They're not concrete. I'm expecting patterned precast.
