Haha agreed! But while I'm looking forward to this corner being developed, I do love looking at the west side of Reve as it stands unobstructed currently. I don't really have any sympathy with those losing their views in a growing city, I was stricking thinking selfishly lol.

Perhaps a project like Reve should have been on this corner in the first place and act as a gateway to downtown, like River City in the east. Maybe this Minto project will be top-notch anyway and be that gateway.
Mods, suggest that the tread title reflect site name as B.Font like it was done B.Street. It being advertised this way now.

Looks like they are finally doing some work for the sales office, but very little has taken place so far.
Project appears to be on hold, marketing has also stopped. Can't see any movements on sales openings until at least Spring/Summer 2014. Minto has a few stalled projects in the city.

Just gotta wait a bit longer for that Whole Foods. :(
Yes, and it's a very good thing that developers have pulled way back from launching new projects this year in order to decrease unsold inventory. This site will be developed...at some point.
Whole Foods picked the wrong development! They should get themselves into the old Globe and Mail office development at the corner of Spadina and Front. Better visibility too, especially with a potential DRL station across the street (Spadina South).
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I wonder how long it will be before Minto puts up a parking lot on the site?

No new surface parking is allowed in the area, but that hasn't stopped a whole bunch of lots from appearing.
