Unfortunately due to Eglinton being a Metrolinx project I don't think they will be in any hurry to extend Eglinton to Miss Transitway. They know that people will use it as a way to get to Pearson which is what Metrolinx doesn't want.

Metrolinx doesn't want to create a viable option to the airport lest it hurt it's pet project the UPX which is already below projection and bleeding red ink. Proper transit to Torontonians be damned.............metrolinx is going to do everything it can to try in vein to prove to Ontarians that it is not Toronto's answer to Montreal's Mirabel.
Metrolinx doesn't want to create a viable option to the airport lest it hurt it's pet project the UPX which is already below projection and bleeding red ink. Proper transit to Torontonians be damned.............metrolinx is going to do everything it can to try in vein to prove to Ontarians that it is not Toronto's answer to Montreal's Mirabel.
Metrolinx already has faster options to the airport if you live at or north of Eglinton. Google Maps shows that GO buses from Yorkdale and York Mills are already better options than the UP Express. I don't think the UP Express has anything to do with extending the Eglinton LRT.
I can see the #46 GO Bus benefitting from this Transitway.

Except that there's no ramp onto 427 northbound or 401 eastbound from Eglinton in Mississauga. And in any case, that route would be slower and less reliable than the current route via the 410 and 407 since the transitway only averages about 65 km/h and the 401, 427 and 400 are much more prone to traffic congestion.

I could see the 40 Airport Express benefiting from a routing along the Transitway, Renforth and Silver Dart. In good conditions, the current 401-427 route is probably still faster, but the transitway route would virtually eliminate traffic jams. That's particularly helpful given that the 40 runs a 24/7 clock-face schedule. Ideally there would be transit signal priority along Silver Dart and Renforth, but GO would first need to settle upon a transit vehicle detection system. Last I heard, they hadn't done so because each local transit agency has a different detection system.
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Do we know what the impact will be on the transit way with the crosstown extension and having it linked with the airport? In terms of ridership?

Obviously, there will be an up tick, but how much?
Do we know what the impact will be on the transit way with the crosstown extension and having it linked with the airport? In terms of ridership?

Obviously, there will be an up tick, but how much?

Didn't the long-term forecasts already assume for it to be built?
Looks like the next 2 stations will open Feb 15 and costing an extra $5 million.

Various utilizes had to be relocated and this cost is part of the extra over run with the rest being changes to the work. Original contract was $64,619,566.18 plus HST in 2012 and was increase to $71,219,566.18 plus HST in 2013 to cover utility relocation between phase 2 & 3 to speed thing up.

As for the Crosstown line connection at Renforth, one hopes Metrolinx has allow for it as they build it at this time, since its part of phase 2 that was delay 10 years due to lack of funding. Always can drop off an email to Metrolinx to get the real answer.
I can see the 21 Milton using the Transitway to get to Meadowvale and Milton quicker.

The Transitway doesn't help the GO 21 bus at all. Here's the map:


Most buses going to Meadowvale and Milton from Union follow Highway 401 and avoid Square One, which is served by different branches. Only some late-night buses (21A/21P) serve all stations in Mississauga, and the bus goes Meadowvale-Streetsville-Erindale-Square One-Cooksville. The Transitway wouldn't help even then.
Tahoe and Etobicoke Creek will eliminate accel/dwell/decel time at 5 intersections and 4 local stops for MiWay. Probably saves 2-3 minutes eh?
Tahoe and Etobicoke Creek will eliminate accel/dwell/decel time at 5 intersections and 4 local stops for MiWay. Probably saves 2-3 minutes eh?

It also bumps up the speed limit to 80 km/h, assuming the limit on that segment is the same as in Phase 1.

The finished Transitway should take a pretty substantial chunk out of the 107/109 travel times through the corporate centre. Currently their routes have a whole bunch of stop signs, turns and traffic signals. Plus eliminating the risk of traffic congestion allows further time savings through the reduction of schedule padding.
The City hopes to have all the paper work done and sign off either Wed or Thursday so the 2 new Transitway stations can go on line on Tue the 16 along with the others currently in service.

109 will service the Winston Churchill station when it opens. 31 will service the Transitway station.

100 will run from South Common Mall by Erin Mill Station to Pearson Terminal 1 when it starts up, not the Viscount.

The rest of the east section will open in 2017 with Kipling still on track to open in late 2019.

A double deck bus building will be built at the new Meadowvalle garage when it gets built to service the DD buses for the Transitway.
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The City hopes to have all the paper work done and sign off either Wed or Thursday so the new Transitway stations can go on line on Tue the 15.
Tuesday the 16th you mean? Too bad...I was hoping to take advantage of the free UP Express service on Saturday to check out the new stations.
