Crane up @interchange42

Hi all,
Does anyone have an idea when this is supposed to be finished? Our company Fantech is installing 98 ERVs into this building so we are eager to learn more. Also we are looking for the mechanical engineer on the job. I called McIntosh Perry and they acted like they've never heard of it.

Plus, those who have posted renderings... Do you have the rights to those? We would like to use them in a future case study. Thanks!
I'm sorry, you are supplying the ERVs but haven't been in touch with the mechanical engineer yet??? Jeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesus...
I'm sorry, you are supplying the ERVs but haven't been in touch with the mechanical engineer yet??? Jeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesus...

LOL, You're awesome PE, but were you thinking of explaining to the masses what an ERV is?


For everyone not as well versed as PE:

Energy Recovery Ventilators ; part of the HVAC system.
I'm sorry, you are supplying the ERVs but haven't been in touch with the mechanical engineer yet??? Jeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesus...

I just work in the marketing department sir. Since we mainly sell to HVAC distributors, it is hard to find where the products end up. :/

EDIT: I see how my previous post could be misconstrued. We do not install ERVs, we merely manufacture them. My apologies. The mechanical engineers spec our products and the general contractor works with an HVAC contractor to install our product FYI.
I shot the site on Sept 2 for the first time since June 22, 2022 and taken back that I haven't miss much in the timeframe compared to 900 St Clair site. Was expecting to see an complete built building that was to be ahead of 900 St Clair only seeing something coming out of the ground seeing.

Both building were part of a large number I haven't shot in 14 months as I keep putting them off to another day for various reasons when it used to be a few weeks or a month between visit.

It sounds like a one of a few sites that were 1-2 years behind in construction for various reasons caused by the developer from lack of funds to closing the doors.

Shots are up on my site now.
