The one thing I didn't notice before is that the posted gross floor area is only for the residential use. That would be more in line with a 70 storey tower.

I guess they are only varying the residential GFA and staying within the permitted GFA for retail.
Doesn't seem logical that you would go to the Committee of Adjustment (usually reserved for "minor variances") for a 5 floor change - plus the application doesn't mention anything about height adjustments AND presumably the current height is 70 storeys (as per info. from June) and the application says 65. Dis cabooberation!!

Actually - in reflecting further, I don’t think they need a change in allowable height because they are already zoned for a higher height than even the 70 storey building would require. It would appear that all they need for a five floor increase is a minor variance - Pretty darn cool.

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Another interesting point.....


Are they adding 10 floors? Make it say 75 storeys?

Or just adding a really big gym?
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Unfortunately I don't think this is likely an indication of a height increase but rather a reconfiguration of the allocation of total GFA which is also controlled for in the By-law. In order to increase the total GFA (which would be what is required to achieve a height increase), there would need to be an additional variance. By increasing the residential GFA all your allowing for is to construct 5 (or so) additional storeys of residential in place of something else.

From the phrasing in the purpose of the application which says "ground and second floor retail and residential units on the remaining floors" what probably happened was the hotel component was removed from the proposal and the resulting additional GFA permissions that were freed up from its removal will be used for residential units.

So while that doesn't necessarily mean there's been a height decrease (although there still could have been and probably still has been), this wouldn't allow for an increase.

You can sort this all out in the original by-law:

While some of the numbers have been changed by way of another minor variance from GG after they took over, the structure of the by-law and the GFA permissions were unchanged iirc.
I can't see the average floor plate being just 7,000 sq feet. That is tiny for such a tall tower. I am in a 30 story building and I think the floor plates are over 8,000 sq feet.
I took another look at potential floor plate area and agree it's more like 8,000 square feet

Given that.....
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just found this thread (and forum)...great info! thanks a lot ot everyone who has contributed! The fam and I were wondering whats going on with this development as there havent really been any updates or news surrounding what SUPPOSED to be a "landmark"

p.s. Eternity+parking+33rd+SW

:)...who knows we might be neighbours!
Are there going to be any announcements on this one soon? I thought I read that UT knew something and was going to be telling us what's happening recently? Maybe that was a different building.
'Soon' is a relative term, and one we have merely repeated. We do not know the exact date of the announcement, but rest assured it's now sooner than it was a couple of weeks ago!

It's easy to be impatient for news on UrbanToronto, but developers have a million 'i's to dot and 't's to cross before showing up with the golden shovel.

This thread will definitely go another few pointless pages with posts like this one before we shall see anything worthwhile at this site.
