While we fare better in some respects than the US we are nowhere near ready to start patting ourselves on the back for our superior urban planning principles. Canadians are complete energy hogs (ranking amongst the worst in the world) and it all comes down to our lifestyle. Comparing ourselves to the US should not lead people to feel smug about our situation. Outside of the city core, we live in a completely unsustainable fashion.
Sorry, you are right. There are tons of Torontonians that live in completely unsustainable ways as well.
Canadians are complete energy hogs (ranking amongst the worst in the world) and it all comes down to our lifestyle.

I think climate is also a huge factor for Canada when it comes to energy consumption; other countries located in cold climates also have very high electricity and overall energy consumption per capita.
I've read all your posts thus far without comment. I take this lull to leave my take on one aspect of this building, and have a go from there.

The thing that bothered me most is that top. That heavy, old-style look, is not for me on this building, and in this "setting," such as we might interpret the latter.

Maybe it would fit better somewhere in Toronto - looks like it came from there, unassembled. But then I would not be a fan of it in Toronto either, just a bit less irritated, due to other skyline distractions and immediately available brethren. Expanding outside the Toronto framework, could this be an Ontario suburban version of the roof at Le Château Frontenac (" ... brought to you by Fairmount")? Surely I jest. The Old Québec version of the heavy mansard roof fits that building in style, and as it is historically rooted, blends well with its very real setting, as we peer back in time. Unfair comparison no doubt, but the thought brushed by and harms no project near its completion, if you are a fan.

Yes I realise it's too late to say off with this crown, but I'll be interested in what will come later - providing future "context" - such as we might project the latter.

Looks to be a photocopy of the Residences of College Park. Graziani + Corazza should expand their design business to include places like Las Vegas or Palm Beach... I'm sure the designs would be embraced there!
There are two points taken on faith in the arguments. One, high density urban living is sustainable. Two, higher density residential tracts or suburban multi-residential buildings are more sustainable than lower density residential. In my opinion both of these arguments are highly questionable.
There are two points taken on faith in the arguments. One, high density urban living is sustainable. Two, higher density residential tracts or suburban multi-residential buildings are more sustainable than lower density residential. In my opinion both of these arguments are highly questionable.
Elaborate please.
These arguments are always black and white and inflammatory on the internet, but "density" and "sustainable" can both be ambiguous terms. Someone living in a downtown apartment may drive everywhere while someone living in a suburban bungalow may take transit everywhere and perhaps grow their own vegetables in their quarter acre backyard.
Looks to be a photocopy of the Residences of College Park. Graziani + Corazza should expand their design business to include places like Las Vegas or Palm Beach... I'm sure the designs would be embraced there!

looking at this photo... tower in the park all the way
^The entire area surrounding this project is slated for development. My issue with this building, and the few others already nearby, is the general lack of retail, business or services at street level. Other than strolling, or walking home, there is no reason to be out on the street. What is really missing are the buildings and businesses that have naturally evolved in a older cities. Chances are, once this area is built up, there will be little room for such variety.

Will the area be hideous? No, not at all. But it will probably resemble a vertical suburb rather than a more "traditional" city setting.
They still give classes on urban planning at many Universities, and these classes, as we know, are broader than just cities - including exurbs/suburbs such as this.

What was planned in that area before One Park Tower became a reality, and what might be planned or altered afterwards, would make for an interesting case study.
^The entire area surrounding this project is slated for development. My issue with this building, and the few others already nearby, is the general lack of retail, business or services at street level. Other than strolling, or walking home, there is no reason to be out on the street. What is really missing are the buildings and businesses that have naturally evolved in a older cities. Chances are, once this area is built up, there will be little room for such variety.

I am guessing you have never visited Mississuaga City Centre and/or haven't bothered to look at the floor plans for the buildings.

Let me make a few things clear. The entire development going up west of Mississauga City Hall which is being built by Daniels and Amacon DOES contain RETAIL SPACE. Let me repeat that again DOES CONTAIN RETAIL SPACE.

As a matter of fact there is room for 6 retail stores under the base of the Capital Towers. A 24 hour mini grocery/convenience is opening next month at the base of the south tower and a Starbucks, complete with a street patio is opening up under the north tower.

That empty field you see in front of One Park Tower will become the first phase of 3 new mini urban parks that will connect and run through the centre of this new development to connect with the Civic Centre/ Living Arts Centre and Square One.

A large public consultation process called PLACEMAKING was lauched and residents were asked what they would like to see in these new urban parks. The idea that each space needs to look beyond just looking pretty, but usable and active spaces. Plans for the first phase includes a water play structure for kids and a tea house/meeting place at the centre of the park. There was even talk of using this huge blank wall behind the Arts Centre as a place to project movies on while people sat and watched from the park. Construction of the park is to begin next spring.

Futhermore, underneath One Park Tower is space for a 120 seat restaurant that includes a patio that will face and spill onto this new urban park.

If you go visit Mississauga City Centre today, there is a huge Rib Festival taking place around City Hall with thousands of people. On top of that the entire Civic Square is programmed with free events all summer.

It bothers me greatly, that people make this wide ranging assumptions that what we are building in Mississauga City Centre is automatically suburban and uninteresting.

Ribfest ... yummee! It seemed to be bigger and better than ever this year.

A thread on the Miss. City Centre wouldn't be complete unless someone carped about the lack of pedestrians.
