Lack of Pedestrains in MCC Dicussion- Check. Pages 1-7
Any constructive conversation- Unseen of.
I was hoping to go to Ribfest again this year but just got back from Montreal tonight. I guess theres always next year:(

Anyways, On the way in I was trying to look for One Park Tower but it was dark and I couldnt see a thing from the GO Bus. Has the roof started to rise yet?
... On the way in I was trying to look for One Park Tower but it was dark and I couldnt see a thing from the GO Bus. Has the roof started to rise yet?

"Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown."
Shakespeare, Henry IV.​

The coronation of One Park Tower, with its roof crown, is still unassembled according to my old girlfriend, who claims she looks out there every week. But I'm sitting in New York City until September, unable to confirm any of it, and I harbour a deep suspicion of anything she claims.

Btw - do you recall this older photo of the Mississauga skyline? Interesting what it will look like in a few more years, with this and other buildings coming on line. I might have to revise my views at this rate, not about the building, but of the skyline in which it will reside.

That pic was my computer's background for the longest but I swtiched pics once it became out dated. It's amazing to see how fast the buildings are go up now. in this pic alone I know that:
- the Capital Towers are done (u/c in this pic)
- Eden is done (I'm guessing it's u/c in this pic)
- Grand Ovation (I think I can see it in this pic)
- Absolute and A2 are now done (the crane for Absolute is visible here)
- Absolute Vision has started is fairly far into construction now
- Solstice is getting close to being topped out now
- One Park is getting there too
- Eve has broken ground and getting there too
- Ultra Ovation has broken ground
- Universial is almost topped (I think, I can't remember the exact height but getting there)

And to think, this pic I no more than 3 years old. Man, this thing is growing like an East German swimmer on sterioids.
On my way to pick up lunch today, I saw One Park from the Winston Churchill/QEW Overpass and from the looks of it, the roof hasn't started to get put up yet. I have a feeling it will start very soon though because they've been topped out for a while now.
It bothers me greatly, that people make this wide ranging assumptions that what we are building in Mississauga City Centre is automatically suburban and uninteresting.

Actually, I am familair with the area, though certainly not an expert. I certainly don't think the plan is ugly, a failure or poorly thought out. I just happen to think that the general feel of the area is one of a high rise suburb. This is not being said to offend; it is an impression. My response had to do with the general lack of retail, office and service buildings in the area. That there are to be six stores is wonderful, but its not exactly a huge amount of retail for an area that will be seeing a major developments in terms of high rise buildings. For all I know, when the area is built up it will draw large numbers of people out onto the streets.
That is exactly my point, you and many others here have already passed judgement on something that is still under construction and incomplete.

You have every right to state your first impressions of the place, however like I said, you need to give us a chance. The development area you speak of was an empty field just 4 years ago.

As for retail, there is a lot more to come, the next phase of the Daniels development called "Chicago" has the entire bottom floor filled with retail space.

On the west side of Confederation Parkway, there is a proposed hotel as part of that development. To the east of the site, north of the Living Arts Centre there has been long term plans to attract a major hotel and convention centre.

The city is also working on attracting a college campus to the City Centre. The list of intiatives taking place go on. Its just a matter of time.

Louroz and many others here have already passed judgement on something that is still under construction and incomplete.

The assumption is based on precedent in many other cities, including Toronto. Unless Mississauga knows some secret that no one else knows about, it's unlikely an area of huge lots, wide roads, and condo towers with dinky podiums far from the street will ever be vibrant. I'd love to be proven wrong.
Well that's exactly the point. Just because it happens elsewhere, why does it have to automatically have to apply to what is happening in Mississauga City Centre?

If its one thing that Mississauga has learned, is from the mistakes made from the past, and mistakes made by other cities including Toronto.

The wide streets you speak of are now being narrowed with parking lanes. New roads are narrow, have bike lanes and wide marked cross walks. Condo podiums do not have dinky podiums, but have walk up town homes and retail spaces. You are completely wrong when you state they are built far from the street. Almost all are built right up to the street.

Mississauga is already proving you and many others wrong. A good example is the Absolute project. I recall many were calling it the end of the world because it was a “gated community†in the centre of Mississauga. A highly acclaimed international design competition, 56 and 50 storeys, a sold out building, construction in less than a year, and a Hurontario LRT announced on its front door, suddenly the project isn’t such a joke anymore.

That is just one major example and it’s only the beginning.

^ I'd also like that ganjavih! And I think it actually will happen, although certainly not overnight. I was one of the participants in the "Placemaking" exercise that FM speaks of (as he was, and one or two others on this forum). They are quite serious about building a real downtown. It's a challenge, as it is not being built "from scratch", as in Markham; it is being done by retrofitting an area which was part sterile suburban mall and part open fields.

The changes over the past five years have been immense.

I find this process fascinating, and not just because I happen to live in Mississauga. I'd like to know where else anything similar is being done. In Canada, only Burnaby comes to mind, although I admit I'm not actually familiar with it.
