Oct 06

Did a drive by shooting from the 509 streetcar








Such a great shape. It's a shame they didn't continue the brick all the way up the podium so it would look less like a Pen Equity project.
This project is really impressive. Very sleek and sexy. I'm reminded of the Jetsons.

And I didn't realize even the roof was awesome until I glanced out my window today. Forgive the crappy digital zoom.


^Looking south. Panorama on the left, Malibu on the right.
Thanks for the pic. Out of curiosity, where are you taking that picture from?
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raw designs urban room development to save Gardiner Expressway

The Gardiner Expressway in Toronto has been a bone of contention for some years. The City of Toronto has discussed the possibilty of removing the expressway and beautifying the waterfront and public space surrounding it but in spite of this there has been no progress to date. Architecture firm, raw design has decided to take the initiative and, instead of joining the rally to get rid of the Gardiner, is creating developments that utilise the neglected expressway.

Currently nearing completion, Panorama is the latest in a series of developments in the area, by developers Concord Adex, collectively known as CityPlace. The location of Panorama gave raw design principal Roland Rom Colthoff the impetus to revamp the dead space under the expressway into a large outdoor vestibule for residents. This is the first building to use the space beneath the Gardiner as an urban room and it will feature design elements by public artist Pierre Poussin. The design aims to incorporate the Gardiner as a fluid part of the city’s design for the future. Colthoff designed Panorama while working as principal at his previous firm Quadrangle Architects and the project is currently being seen through to completion by raw.




good find. I am all for beautifying and making usable spaces underneath the Gardiner! That third picture looks like the building lobby though doesnt it... ?
Ya I think it's the lobby. I'm not sure why they included that in the article. Maybe the same people designed that too.
This is a good idea but I'd be concerned about maintenance, namely tagging and vandalism. Perhaps as condos and office buildings go up along the Gardiner the developers could be responsible revamping a segment near their building and then the condo corp.or building owner becomes responsible for the maintenance (namely repainting tagged areas & re-lamping) to keep the areas in a "friendly" and usable condition. I don't see how the City can possibly keep up with beautified areas under the highway.
Even so, it'll be the most interesting and unusual car port in the city.

For me, the biggest challenge to reclaiming the space underneath the Gardiner is overcoming the lack of light. Because the Gardiner wasn't built higher off the ground, the shadows make it a very dreary and uninviting space.

Nonetheless the developers deserve credit for trying this. It'll be interesting to see how well the renders translate into the finished product.
This is a good idea but I'd be concerned about maintenance, namely tagging and vandalism.

I don't think graffiti is a concern in this part of town. West Queen West just north of there is full of graffiti, but in contrast King Street and everything south of it is virtually spotless.

I wonder if this design was in some way inspired by the Fort York design competition.
