Here's a render from the Ritz website... Not sure if it's been already posted but I'm from skyscraperpage and new to UT....


Peace :)
hey steveve, welcome to UT...:)
oh.. hey yyzer... Yeah... I just got a UT account and it's working fine so far...

Peace :)

you're gonna like it here...a little more intense than SSP...

and for the benefit of those UT folks who don't know you, I will repeat what many have said over at SSP - that you are no ordinary 14 year old....:)
steveve, my little man!!!!... I have a funny feeling you're gonna turn this place upside down!!!

welcome aboard...

You can make yourself more welcome by doing a massive photo shoot of all the u/c buildings that haven't had a photo update in weeks... (excluding Ritz)

Thanks man..

I am actually gonna take some pictures later today (around 4:00) of all the U/C buildings in the financial district area (as promised from the update last week)...

If anyone has any suggestions on what they want to see (what angles, buildings, etc...) I will do my best to get them...

Peace Cal :)
Can we see some Ritz Podium pics... perhaps from that vantage point at Roy thompson hall in the previous pic.... thanks a lot!
Just one thing, steveve - can you add just a few more lol's and smileys to your posts? You're coming across as a waaay-too-serious 15 year old.
Here are some photos I took yesterday of the ritz.... I have to say it's big now...

Okay... Here is the Ritz...




I FINALLY figured out where to find this shot of the Ritz Slant... In case you want to know it's pretty much outside of Union Station...



Like I said before... The Ritz is SERIOUSLY catching up to RBC in terms of height... It's hard to imagine that one day the Ritz is gonna overtake it's big brother... RBC :)






All photos by me: steveve

Peace :)

I know one of you wanted to see boutique condo so I posted it here:

and for many more photos i took (shangri-la, trump, ritz, BA, MLS, etc...) yesterday then go here:
