Wonder if they could build a "new" stadium in the same spot by gradually replacing segments of the Skydome.

Of course, the trickiest element is the roof, so it either has to be supported while the reconstruction is under way, or be the first thing that's removed and replaced.

I wish they would just build a new stadium. They may never put in grass, and they'll be spending as much money on renovations as they would on a new stadium anyway.
These might explain what's going on:

Application: Building Additions/Alterations Status: Inspection

Location: 1 BLUE JAYS WAY

Ward 20: Trinity-Spadina

Application#: 16 262610 BLD 00 BA Issued Date: Jan 13, 2017

Project: Stadium Other(BA)

Description: Proposal for localized concrete repairs for exterior rehabilitation - Rogers Centre


Application: Building Additions/Alterations Status: Permit Issued

Location: 1 BLUE JAYS WAY

Ward 20: Trinity-Spadina

Application#: 17 108987 BLD 00 BA Issued Date: Jan 30, 2017

Project: Stadium Garage Repair/Reconstruction

Description: Localized concrete repairs and waterproofing replacement around portions of existing stadium. Rogers Centre.
I wish they would just build a new stadium. They may never put in grass, and they'll be spending as much money on renovations as they would on a new stadium anyway.

Problem is that the Skydome is in absolutely prime location, but the area has been developed over the years and doing something like the Yankees did (building their new stadium beside their old one before demoing their old one) is impossible.

Of course, this might change if they build a new stadium in the Portlands or over the railway tracks. But the Skydome is barely 25 years old and still somewhat sufficient unlike the American multiuse stadiums that have long bitten the dust. We'll probably be stuck with the Skydome for a long time- hence the idea of gradually rebuilding in the same location over time. Would probably be too complex to be worth it though.
As good a spot as the stadium is at, you still have to walk 10 minutes from Union station, and the surrounding area is pretty ugly.
The concrete does look bad. How about adding brick to this portion to make it look like a warehouse district, and then to the other concrete parts higher up, applying some kind of non-porous resin that can be cleaned and polished. All around the stadium, a lot can be done to improve the functionality and cut out areas where natural light and visible lines of sight to the action from sidewalk. The alcove around the CN tower can be filled with outdoor cafes, beer gardens, etc.

As good a spot as the stadium is at, you still have to walk 10 minutes from Union station, and the surrounding area is pretty ugly.

Umm wrong. Maybe 15 years ago when the area was a bunch of gravel parking lots, the CN Tower, the Convention Centre and the ACC, it was ugly. Currently it is quite an urban environment, I guess your definition of 'ugly' depends on your opinion of the surrounding buildings.

If anything there is a shortage of sidewalk space between Union and Rogers Centre, fans routinely spill over onto Bremner and Front street before and after the game. I suspect a large cause of this is the construction at Union which makes accessing the Skywalk difficult if you don't know where to go. Once the Union renovations are done I think the vast majority will return to using the skywalk.






Sorry I was typing on my phone while in a meeting.. Silly me not linking thousands of articles to make sure what I said was accurate... Im not going to cut and paste the quotes here either but there is a problem in baseball. For the record it is affecting good teams as well even if it is not as bad. I know this is only personal experience but my wifes work has a meeting every year in Cleveland during september. This year while the Indians were doing well the office managed to get a whole row of tickets the day before the game. I didnt know how this was possible but when we went to the game there was whole sections blocked off. Yes the world series numbers were dang impressive this year but it is still trending south.


but hey fun youtube clips are cool to

Cleveland had the 28'th ranked attendance in 2016, only tampa and oakland drew fewer fans, and the Indians have been terrible for years. I'd hardly call that a typical scenario.
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This is ugly

That's his point!

It's also at least 15-20 years old...

Probably 20 - Simcoe Place was completed in 1995; MTCC South in 1997 and ACC broke ground in the same year. Guessing 97/98?

re: Dirty exterior - they could have cleaned it, which maybe a more authentic thing to do than wrapping it with cladding that would take away the scale. The landscaping around it should be razed and redone though - it's desolate.

Excerpts from a Sportsnet article (in the app, so can't link) this evening:

"By the end of the 2017 season, Toronto Blue Jays president and CEO Mark Shapiro expects to have plans in place for both a new spring training facility and a Rogers Centre renovation that will run into the hundreds of millions of dollars.

The two projects remain in the planning stages...

...the installation of natural grass at Rogers Centre remains a consideration although it may very well be an unlikely one with money instead being focused on a reworking of the seating bowl, expanded concourses and the creation of distinctive areas for different game-watching experiences.

...Already the Blue Jays are spending money on the Rogers Centre, with a new $1-million weight room installed over the winter and waterproofing work taking place on the concrete exterior. The retractable roof must also be replaced in the coming years, along with other less exciting upkeep tasks for a stadium that first opened in 1989...

...The Blue Jays have hired a design firm and at this point, “what we do have is themes that through focus groups and through research and through industry trends and analysis provided clear ideas of what we would be looking to achieve in a re-envisioning – and I call it a re-envisioning rather than a renovation – of the stadium.”

“No. 1,” Shapiro continued, “would be to turn the stadium into a ballpark. Very simply that would be a top priority for us, which means (providing) a modern ballpark experience for our fans. What I would hope is that by mid-summer we have those concepts fully flushed out, a potential set of loose designs, not plans but loose designs along with some costs so I can begin to have those conversations with ownership.”
To be honest, I really don't think they should replace the building. It's not ideal but it certainly is not a horrible place.

Positive points include its location, size, versatility. They should focus on repairing/servicing the roof, cleaning the concrete exterior(This can be done they have been skimping), renovating the owner's boxes as well as washrooms and doing something about the exterior space to make it more interactive and walkable instead of feeling so dire and harsh. Love the ideas above of beer gardens, outdoor video screens, etc.

Also I really don't want to see Rogers have an opportunity to partner with the municipal/provincial government and hit up residents with another $1Billion cash grab to build another white elephant. Can we please learn from the Original SkyDome boondoggle!
