Also I really don't want to see Rogers have an opportunity to partner with the municipal/provincial government and hit up residents with another $1Billion cash grab to build another white elephant. Can we please learn from the Original SkyDome boondoggle!

Is the Rogers Centre a white elephant if it has proven to draw big crowds? If they build a new stadium, I don't see why fans would balk at going to games.
I wish they would just build a new stadium. They may never put in grass, and they'll be spending as much money on renovations as they would on a new stadium anyway.
They are talking about spending $100MM - $200MM on reno's....what kind of stadium could you build for that and where?

the most recent stadium built in baseball is the new Atlanta stadium....inner suburb location, no roof....cost over $600MM
I've never seen it said that it would be a $100 - 200 million reno. Stephen Brunt said on The Jeff Blair Show last week (on The Fan) that the new reno may cost almost as much as a new stadium. He's usually pretty plugged in.

They are talking about spending $100MM - $200MM on reno's....what kind of stadium could you build for that and where?

the most recent stadium built in baseball is the new Atlanta stadium....inner suburb location, no roof....cost over $600MM
I've never seen it said that it would be a $100 - 200 million reno. Stephen Brunt said on The Jeff Blair Show last week (on The Fan) that the new reno may cost almost as much as a new stadium. He's usually pretty plugged in.
The number was mentioned on prime time sports yesterday as I drove home......with all due respect to Mr. Brunt (Canada's finest sports journalist) they are not spending >$600MM renovating Rogers Centre...not likely even close to that.....but, even if they spent that can't beat that building new is non-starter (just an opinion).
The Rogers Centre/Skydome roof can be opened or closed mid-game :)

It can be closed mid-game - however, if the game starts with the roof closed it cannot be opened during the game

I think it means it can't be open during play. I've been to a couple games when the roof was closed in the first inning, but opened immediately after the 3rd out in the bottom of the 1st. First time it happened was Sunday June 17, 2012 against the Phillies, and the second one was Wednesday September 2nd, 2015 against Cleveland. Again, opened right after the third out in the bottom 1st.
The number was mentioned on prime time sports yesterday as I drove home......with all due respect to Mr. Brunt (Canada's finest sports journalist) they are not spending >$600MM renovating Rogers Centre...not likely even close to that.....but, even if they spent that can't beat that building new is non-starter (just an opinion).

I don't think he was saying they would be spending it all at once. More like over time. If they ever decide to put in grass, for example, that would cost a lot in upkeep.

As for location, what about CNE?
I don't think he was saying they would be spending it all at once. More like over time. If they ever decide to put in grass, for example, that would cost a lot in upkeep.

As for location, what about CNE?
Grass in a new stadium would need a lot of upkeep too ;)

There are a lot of locations for stadiums in Toronto.....CNE/Portlands/Food Terminal/Downsview....what they all have in common is that while they are good, they are nowhere near as good as the current location of the Roger's Centre.
It can be closed mid-game - however, if the game starts with the roof closed it cannot be opened during the game

This must be a new rule because I've seen it open mid game many times before. One memorable time was Canada day a year or two ago they opened it during the game and it was a nice atmosphere with the rain clouds making way for sun.
Upon opening apparently the roof makes a significant booming noise, at least that is what is indicated in a Globe article last month: Roger's centre renos It sounds to me that they are committed to prolonging the life of the dome for the better part of the next two decades.
Upon opening apparently the roof makes a significant booming noise, at least that is what is indicated in a Globe article last month: Roger's centre renos It sounds to me that they are committed to prolonging the life of the dome for the better part of the next two decades.

I for one have never heard the alleged "cannon sound", the most noise I have heard is more similar to a creaking noise which I attribute to the metal structure shifting during movement.

Also he got the set up of the roof wrong. The Northern immovable panel always sits below the other 4 panels. Or in other words the movable panels stack above the north panel not below.
Is the Rogers Centre a white elephant if it has proven to draw big crowds? If they build a new stadium, I don't see why fans would balk at going to games.

It is considering the amount of government funding that went into its($500 Million in 1989) that was sold off due to bankruptcy in 1998 for $80 Million when no one was going and corporations weren't renewing their boxes eventually selling to Rogers for $25 Million in 2005. For many people, not necessarily myself its a reminder of severe government waste and overreach. For me, I just like going to the ball games.
I've never seen it said that it would be a $100 - 200 million reno. Stephen Brunt said on The Jeff Blair Show last week (on The Fan) that the new reno may cost almost as much as a new stadium. He's usually pretty plugged in.

In a city like Toronto with the land prices being what they are and so forth building a new stadium would be closer too $1Billion. I highly doubt they would spend anywhere near that amount.
Upon opening apparently the roof makes a significant booming noise, at least that is what is indicated in a Globe article last month: Roger's centre renos It sounds to me that they are committed to prolonging the life of the dome for the better part of the next two decades.

That sounds like the best plan. Its actually still a really good facility with a lot of life left in it. Would be a shame to throw it away when it just needs some renos.
