You know, it'd be perfect if the Corus building had a dental clinic facing Sugar Beach...
that was a nice music selection. what was the music for the last two videos?
nice shots too.

Actually, I have no idea. I used the audio swap on Youtube to change the music and I just clicked on one of the options they gave me but I don't remember what it is. Sorry.
And the winning name is Sherbourne Commons. So everyone will call it Sherbourne Park, which makes you wonder why they bothered with a contest at all.
And the winning name is Sherbourne Commons. So everyone will call it Sherbourne Park, which makes you wonder why they bothered with a contest at all.

Hurray for blandness! I this case I still think Sherbourne Commons was the least worst option. May the park itself outshine its own name...
It's uninspired, bland, and safe, but I suppose that some bureaucrats would see those as virtues. In any case, I don't hate it, but I would have been happier with the other two options.
UT's poll picked Merchant's Wharf Park in a squeaker over Sherbourne Commons, both drawing about two fifths of UT votes, while tkhe tkhird choice garnered about a fifth of our votes.

I still like
Sugar Beach is moving along quite fast in last week or so, the sand is spread around, the brick pathways are almost finished , it looks as though all the trees are in and the mounds are now both sodded. It is unclear, to me anyway, how the park will actually meet the street as that strip is still a parking lot but the Park is really very close to opening. (BTW the cafe in Corus also seems to be open, though closed today.)
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Anyone know how long it will take for the trees in Sugar Beach and Sherbourne Commons to look...descent? I know that certain trees mature faster than others apparently, but maybe someone can shed some light on this
And the winning name is Sherbourne Commons. So everyone will call it Sherbourne Park, which makes you wonder why they bothered with a contest at all.

I voted Sherbourne Commons, but if Sherbourne Park was an option, I would have voted that.

Fun fact: it's pronounced Sher-bern, not Sher-born
