Exactly. One hopes that the City's document signals their tacit understanding the the 's' in Commons should not and will not be part of the official name for the park. Both Commons and Common are used as park names elsewhere, but I prefer the singular as it replaces the term Common Ground.

Exactly. One hopes that the City's document signals their tacit understanding the the 's' in Commons should not and will not be part of the official name for the park. Both Commons and Common are used as park names elsewhere, but I prefer the singular as it replaces the term Common Ground. 42

I do not really disagree with you BUT the name suggested and voted on had an 's' and they are supposedly naming it based on the vote. If they then decided not to do so they should surely come clean and say "we decided to remove the 's"? Waterfront Toronto continues to call it Sherbourne Commons.
OK, the park got a name on Tuesday and on Wednesday it started to get trees - at least the southern section did. It really is moving along very well and I think will open within 5-6 weeks but I must say I will probably continue to call it Sherbourne Park :->
From WT June Newsletter:

Sugar Beach: Over the next few weeks, benches, light fixtures and Muskoka-style beach chairs will be installed in advance of the park’s public opening in July. The park’s official opening and ribbon-cutting is scheduled for August 9 at 10:30am..

Sherbourne Common: Work continues on Sherbourne Common where water channel construction along the south side is now complete. The park’s pavilion is also underway. UV equipment for East Bayfront’s stormwater treatment facility, which will be housed in the pavilion’s basement, is onsite and ready for installation. Over the next few weeks, mechanical and electrical work will continue on the pavilion for its café and washroom facilities. Landscaping on the south side will also begin. On the north side of the park, construction is beginning on the water channel and the second of three nine-metre high art pieces has been installed.

Waterfront walkway: Construction of the first section of the water’s edge promenade in East Bayfront is on track to open with Canada’s Sugar Beach later this summer. The promenade will eventually run the full length of the new community from Canada’s Sugar Beach east to the Parliament Slip. This first section will provide water’s edge access adjacent to Canada’s Sugar Beach, Corus Quay and the new waterfront campus of George Brown College which is currently under construction. More than half of the promenade’s granite pavers, which are being laid by hand, are now installed. In addition, the promenade’s double row of maple trees have also been planted west of Sherbourne Common and the irrigation system is also being installed.
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Lots of trees coming to the area. Someone planted a lot of new trees north of the power substation at Sherborne south of Esplanade.
Lots of trees coming to the area. Someone planted a lot of new trees north of the power substation at Sherborne south of Esplanade.
This is a neighbourhood benefit negotiated by the St Lawrence Neighbourhood Assn and others when Hydro One built the hydro tunnel from the Esplanade sub-station to the John substation. They are also planting trees etc along Frederick Street and Lower Sherbourne street. It has taken a while to be done but it is looking very nice so far.
I hope they fix all the chips on that art piece/water purifier. It looks pretty bad. The Cafe looks rather small too.
Security got on my case and told me to stop filming. Four of them surrounded me and demanded to know who I was and wanted to see my ID. When I asked what law I was breaking, nobody could tell me, so I just kept on filming. The guy who said he was the security manager said something about the G20? lol Yeah, whatever. I was like "Dude, I'm filming to post this on URBAN TORONTO!". That put him in his place. ;-) The funny thing is, when I post my videos on Youtube, Waterfront Toronto frequently links them on there Youtube Channel.
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SUGAR BEACH IS OPEN! To be more exact, most of the fencing has now been removed and the landscaping guys are having an 'end of job' BBQ. There are 'suits' wandering around and a security guard who told me to 'stand back". In answer to a question he said it was opening "later today or tomorrow." The newly laid sodded areas, on the mounds, are now fenced off and I guess this will be left there to protect the sod until it takes root properly.

There is a WT Board Meeting today with a bus tour for board members - SB might be part of that.


Thanks for the vid - look at the quality of the work (e.g. epoxy coated rebars, paving for the base of the concrete water channel) - this is definitely great stuff, the chipping on the sculpture nothwithstanding. I have every confidence they will fix the latter. As to the cafe - I don't think it provides sitting within the pavillion.

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The official opening is still several weeks away, but Canada's Sugar Beach and some of the promenade south and west of Corus will be open for Canada Day. Here's what it looked like around 6 PM on June 30th.

Here's the view from Loblaws:


Here's the view from the water's edge at Jarvis Quay:


A tree-lined allee leads to the lake:



Like Blackpool Rock, Sugar Beach Rock has candy stripes through it:



Places to sit:



This maple leaf will spring a leak; many in fact. This will be a spray pad.


That sweet smell of molasses? Comes from that way. Downtown Toronto/ behind that.


Still a bit more to complete:


Check out the Corus thread for a few more pics.

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Don't like the light standards but everything else looks great. Thanks for the pics.
