If you actually read the article, it says that Metrolinx did not confirm this.
sorry...it was just the first thing i saw in my google search.......not sure if Mx have ever formally announced/agreed that York is closing (feel free anyone that has an "official" confirmation" .....but it is the working assumption of, well, everyone. The York station was a cheep attempt to bring rail transit to the university and, from everything I hear, it did not really work as that station is not really at York U, and it is tough to get to campus from there......so, given the proximity of the new station and it's direct link to the subway, I think folks are taking it as a given that York U station is closing.
I'm enough of a historical trivia and numbers nerd to ask the question -

Has a subway train (as opposed to the various construction and work vehicles) been run through any portion of the new tunnels already? If so, would anyone have the date and car numbers of the first trip?

Do I infer from Drum's comment that the northmost end has not yet seen a train?

I know there will be lots of coverage of the first official run on opening day, but lots of trains will have run the line by then in commissioning. I'm pedantic enough to feel that the details of the absolute first run ought to be recorded for posterity. Everything after that is 'alternative fact' to me, anyways.

- Paul
No train has yet to be tested on the extension to date. The first train will be tow by diesel power beginning May 1st for test clearance. Once the test clearance and other test are done, that is when the first power testing of the TR on their own will take place and you will have to check with TTC for it numbers for both operation dates. There has been diesel power equipment used on the extension tracks and no idea what and ask TTC for that info.

As for Metrolinx closing the University station, it still up in the air, as many riders want it to stay that are not University students. I have said long ago that this station needs to be move to Steeles, to better connect with TTC and service the area better. One should be at Finch as well and need a different GO service to service these new locations.
Last edited:
Jan 23
All 110 photos are up on site and I thought I shot more.













The concrete platform walls are so unattractive, why couldn't tiles be placed or at least a thick coat of "amazing" yellow paint be applied. Even if platform doors are added in the future and the walls will be less visible, that's not going to happen anytime soon so having a more attractive platform on opening day may attract more ridership, however small that will be.
If you actually read the article, it says that Metrolinx did not confirm this.

As for Metrolinx closing the University station, it still up in the area as many riders want it to stay that are not University students. I have said long ago that this station needs to be move to Steeles, to better connect with TTC and service the area better. One should be at Finch as well and need a different GO service to service these new locations.

Thinking the York U station will stay open is completely unreasonable. It's tucked in the middle of an industrial park. Downsview Park makes a convenient connection that is two subway stops away, and still puts students in the heart of campus. The move may add a bit of time, but a small price to pay for co-locating the station within a major destination (the actual park). It will add TTC fare to the commute (the shuttle is currently free) but this a) emphasizes the need for the TTC/city to stop doddling and figure out integrated fares, and b) should be up to the university to address, since they will now save on a shuttle service and may want to look at assisting York U students/staff. All in all, it's just change, and people don't like change. Suck it up buttercup, this is Toronto, and change will never stop.

As for station configuration up the line, stations at Steeles and Finch would be subway spacing territory, even as we talk about RER. Another potential stop on the books is Concord (Highway 7), where it can be integrated into the viva rapidway. I don't think anything in between Concord and Downsview Park would be appropriate or entertained by Metrolinx, especially considering this is a regional rail service.
Is that asphalt that they used as paving material in the front of the station?
The sidewalk to the station is colour like you find around many builds these day. The gray seems to be the standard these days.

As I said in my first posting these new stations are what you see on line 4 and nothing to write home about the platform, other than some artwork.
Thinking the York U station will stay open is completely unreasonable. It's tucked in the middle of an industrial park. Downsview Park makes a convenient connection that is two subway stops away, and still puts students in the heart of campus. The move may add a bit of time, but a small price to pay for co-locating the station within a major destination (the actual park). It will add TTC fare to the commute (the shuttle is currently free) but this a) emphasizes the need for the TTC/city to stop doddling and figure out integrated fares, and b) should be up to the university to address, since they will now save on a shuttle service and may want to look at assisting York U students/staff. All in all, it's just change, and people don't like change. Suck it up buttercup, this is Toronto, and change will never stop.

As for station configuration up the line, stations at Steeles and Finch would be subway spacing territory, even as we talk about RER. Another potential stop on the books is Concord (Highway 7), where it can be integrated into the viva rapidway. I don't think anything in between Concord and Downsview Park would be appropriate or entertained by Metrolinx, especially considering this is a regional rail service.

Actually it will not add a TTC fare for people going to York U--anyone who uses Presto and gets off GO at Downsview Park then taps on to the TTC there and taps off at York U does not pay a TTC fare, likewise for the return trip. It would be ridiculous to suddenly add ~$115 a month for students paying ~$200 a month for GO while closing York U GO. So, even better.

Agreed that anything between Concord and Downsview Park would be absurd. Having stops at 7, Steeles, Finch, Sheppard is just nuts. Will easily add 15 minutes to this commuter service running all the way from Barrie. Transit on that scale is the TTC's job, not GO's, even with RER. BTW Metrolinx has currently decided not to proceed with Concord, but with the Viva rapidway I'm sure it's only a matter of time.
Actually it will not add a TTC fare for people going to York U--anyone who uses Presto and gets off GO at Downsview Park then taps on to the TTC there and taps off at York U does not pay a TTC fare, likewise for the return trip. It would be ridiculous to suddenly add ~$115 a month for students paying ~$200 a month for GO while closing York U GO. So, even better.

That's still not confirmed.
Actually it will not add a TTC fare for people going to York U--anyone who uses Presto and gets off GO at Downsview Park then taps on to the TTC there and taps off at York U does not pay a TTC fare, likewise for the return trip. It would be ridiculous to suddenly add ~$115 a month for students paying ~$200 a month for GO while closing York U GO. So, even better.

Agreed that anything between Concord and Downsview Park would be absurd. Having stops at 7, Steeles, Finch, Sheppard is just nuts. Will easily add 15 minutes to this commuter service running all the way from Barrie. Transit on that scale is the TTC's job, not GO's, even with RER. BTW Metrolinx has currently decided not to proceed with Concord, but with the Viva rapidway I'm sure it's only a matter of time.

I believe this is the case with transferring from Viva to TYSSE at VMC, where people tap on at VMC and tap off at York U. This is because the extension will have voluntary tap offs to refund (or reduce) the TTC fare. There is no reason why they can't do this from Downsview Park to York U.

They better implement a way so people from that get on at Union and get off at VMC can't refund the fare, because that is just absur (however little people take that long ass subway ride, take GO pls).

That's still not confirmed.

If it's not going to happen, how do you explain to the people that are used to taking Viva Purple to York U will now have to pay double fare, which are a lot of people. In addition to switching from Purple to Orange at RHC may I add.
