...although, unfortunately, the elevated walkways won't be able to be executed like that - they'll need opaque floors which will interfere with the sightlines.

Unless, of course, the courts institute a "no skirts" policy...

Have you ever seen the stacks at Sig Sam? They have translucent floors. You can catch as much blurry up-skirt action as you want there.
Have you ever seen the stacks at Sig Sam? They have translucent floors. You can catch as much blurry up-skirt action as you want there.

I haven't. That's fascinating... and somewhat disturbing.

But "translucent" floors would still distort the sightlines in a way not represented on the (admittedly very attrctive) rendering.
I too liked Orange and its good to see KPMB designing outside the "box". It demonstrates that they are growing with their designs.

No, their rare misstep demonstrates that the judges weren't buying symbolic "parentheses" when a better box was available.
Has there been a start date set for this?

The competition has only just finished and they need to draw up real plans, not just renderings but I understand from Market folk that they expect to be moved out to the temporary North Market (in a temporary building on the car park south of the South Market) around Christmas 2010 at which time demolition on the present North Market will happen and then they need to excavate for the 4 floors of parking. I doubt any real construction will happen before fall 2011.
from today's Daily Commercial News, posted with the usual caveat....

Toronto, Metro Toronto Reg ON PREPARING PLANS
St Lawrence Market North Building, 92 Front St, M5E 1C4
$15,000,000 est

Start: June, 2011 Complete: June, 2012

Note: Preliminary design is ongoing. Owner expects Detailed design and Working drawings will proceed through 2010. Tender for Gen Cont is anticipated early Spring, 2011. Further update January, 2011.

The Ventin Group is the Professional Advisor for this project. Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners are the joint-venture Architect Thames Wharf Rainville Road London W6 9HA United Kingdom Tel +44 (0) 20 7385 1235 Fax +44 (0) 20 7385 8409

Project: proposed redevelopment of the North building in the St Lawrence Market, the Farmer's market. The project proposes construction of an addition and/or renovation of the existing heritage buildings to provide 62,000 sq ft for the City of Toronto Court Services, including seven Provincial Offences Act court rooms and administrative office functions on floors two to four. The Mezzanine level will be renovated for community space, and space for markets, parties and special events. Retail space such as food related retail, food related businesses; and building amenities are proposed uses on the ground floor Market Hall. The Market Hall and Mezzanine will be highly flexible and spatially divisible depending on the use, as well as highly marketable and rentable. Below the Market Hall, an underground parking garage containing 250 parking spots will service the courts and the wider St. Lawrence Market Complex and neighbourhood. The building will be developed to be an energy efficient green building.

Scope: 12,000 m²; 4 storeys; 3 storeys below grade; parking for 250 cars
Development: New
Category: Government offices; Retail, wholesale services
"The project proposes construction of an addition and/or renovation of the existing heritage buildings ".... first time I have ever heard the North Market being seen as a heritage building! In fact it will be completely demolished and the last date I heard for this to start was actually fall 2011 but, if we can ever believe DCN, June is better!

I think it could very well be referring to St Lawrence Hall to the north - which will require some modifications in order to link to the new building. Of all the projects, the state of this one and NPS concerns me most vis a vis the upcoming civic election.

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re "link to the new building" -- are there plans for an underground pedestrian connection between the (new) north and south SLM buildings? Given the awkward street crossing at grade, crowded stair access, and busy market in the basement of SLM, it makes sense. There is often a police officer directing traffic on Front on busy market days. it would be nice if they could build a nice wide tunnel with doors at either end that can stay open during business hours so customers carrying bags of veggies and such don't have to struggle to open them.
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re "link to the new building" -- are there plans for an underground pedestrian connection between the (new) north and south SLM buildings? Given the awkward street crossing at grade, crowded stair access, and busy market in the basement of SLM, it makes sense. There is often a police officer directing traffic on Front on busy market days. it would be nice if they could build a nice wide tunnel with doors at either end that can stay open during business hours so customers carrying bags of veggies and such don't have to struggle to open them.

This was raised at the public consultations and though everyone thinks it would be a good idrea it is NOT happening because there is a major sewer on Front Street that they cannot afford to move.
I wonder why the city doesn't have more large scale farmer's markets like St. Lawrence around the city. I think it would be a good idea to have one in each of the major regional centres - NYCC, Y-E, SCC, ECC...
I wonder why the city doesn't have more large scale farmer's markets like St. Lawrence around the city. I think it would be a good idea to have one in each of the major regional centres - NYCC, Y-E, SCC, ECC...

But they do ... most weekends in the summer ... i.e. most parts of the city have a St. Lawrence Market North equivalnt ... it's not even that large of a farmers market really.

Now if you're talking about the St. Lawrence market (south?) that's a completely different animal and I doubt that could be replicated anywhere else - there's a small / very low end version (but there are some good finds) at downsview.
