Much preferred the original, this is fine but typically staid result for Toronto. I'm looking forward to the interior however, promising views of St. Lawrence hall and cupola from the inside.
I'm not crazy about the design, particularly when you consider some of Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners other projects including NEO Bankside, One Hyde Park and 3 World Trade Center.
Actually I don't find the picture above to be all that horrible, if that's what is actually getting built now.

For context, this is what won the design competition:



That was unique and worthy of praise. Instead, we're getting a generic barn with glass sides.
I didn't really like the original version, so the cheapened version doesn't really hurt me much either.
I like the original version, a lot. But on the right-hand side of the building, coming down from the overhang along Front Street, is that a Star Trek-type transporter? No wonder the design was expensive.

(seriously, though, what is that?)
That was a staircase.

Jesus Christ. Looking at other Rogers Stirk Harbour projects and what we're getting, is this even the same architect anymore??? We took a potential masterpiece from a genius firm and turned it into a generic soulless block of glass and concrete.

Just like the Sugar Beach land, this property is unique and so is the opportunity. Once again, Toronto screws it up for the generations ahead of us.
Oh dear, here we go again. It's to the point where any time something interesting gets proposed you know we'll never get it. It's a rarity when we actually get the beautiful design. Are they trying to bore us to death?
Oh dear, here we go again. It's to the point where any time something interesting gets proposed you know we'll never get it. It's a rarity when we actually get the beautiful design. Are they trying to bore us to death?

As disappointing as this version maybe, it's not news - it has been around for a few years.

Oh... I thought you were talking about the existing building. Wait. You are?

Yes, and as disappointing as the connoisseurs here find the new building in its simpler form, it has a good deal more to offer than the barn it is replacing. Not only do I loathe antiques as more shit to dust, crawling around in that yellow dump with all that junk was adding insult to injury. But it made my spouse happy.
