Sorry for wasting your time Andrew3D- I will make sure that I consult with you before I post anything which may or may not pertain to the topic- would that satisfy you sir?


oh and by ramblings you are referring to what you just wrote above right?
In the end its a mute topic, the sales centre will be destroyed in less than a month, to make way for construction...

Then all you guys can feel free to pick through the rumble to find some items worth salvaging. ( or recycling). And the discussion will move to the construction of the tallest residential (for the moment ...gasp!) in Canada.
Sorry for wasting your time Andrew3D- I will make sure that I consult with you before I post anything which may or may not pertain to the topic- would that satisfy you sir?


oh and by ramblings you are referring to what you just wrote above right?

That would be best. Sorry, over three pages of nothing to do with Trump seems to be a little off topic. And by ramblings I was thinking back to this post by you.

"your argument doesn't make sense..Are rich people wasteful, or is it because people are rich that they CAN be wasteful?..or because people are rich, and they spend lots of money on things that they can be wasteful?"
Threads often go off topic when there is nothing new to report on. The good news is that Trump will begin construction soon, which is something we can all look forward to.
It's a shame that the most lethargic--and often most ill-conceived--developments are the ones that get rewarded with the most posts and, hence, seem of higher interest. The project in this thread has accumulated 50 pages and construction hasn't even started. Meanwhile, better executed developments like Spire--which went from concept to completion in what seems, in retrospect, an eyeblink-- barely make it into the double-digit pagecount before vanishing from this forum. Wonder if we should be rating these projects as well as commenting on them. Just a thought.
What can I say? People like drama and mystery. Harry Stinson receives pages of discussion unlike, uhh... (*struggles to think of another developer by name*) for good reason. Perhaps the error is in seeing a large number of posts as being a "reward". The alternative is daily posts stating

I wouldn't call Sp!re a "blink" from conception to birth... and I wouldn't be suprised to see the condo corp facing a "hangover" legal action... long story.

As for Trump... if the tower was called Brand X (not Bre X) every skyscraper geek would welcome it @ any height. Most of the uppity, holier than thou, johnny come lately derisive comments are more about penis enlargement pills that didn't work, than about the tower. It's a perfectly fine addition (thanks Eb) to any big city. Short (ahem) cities would take it in a minute.
I have to wonder if Adelaide can be kept open to traffic once Trump is under way.
Daily construction updates will be warranted beginning some time next year...a whole slew of projects was recently completed so there's a lull right now, but there's another big batch (mainly skyscrapers) on the way.
Daily construction updates will be warranted beginning some time next year...a whole slew of projects was recently completed so there's a lull right now, but there's another big batch (mainly skyscrapers) on the way.

No excuses for no updates! Do you call B/A, RBC + Ritz, Cruptal Blown, Casa, BSN, Met II and Murano a lull? Daily updates now!
