
I don't mind the podium, but those random balconies look dorky. Overall, the building is okay, but a little over-designed and gimmicky.

What's much worse is that University Plaza is clearly visible from this viewpoint! Ack.
Yep, there go my wishes for it to be covered up by this project. Oh well, there's always dynamite.
Overdesigned? Oh please. Call it anything you like but over-designed.

It's very simple and if anything, slightly underworked. But that's refreshing so it's more than pass, IMO! I like the chunky yet friendly podium at the intersection and the use of windows that are expansive yet leave room for some materials over than just glass on the facade.
lotta trees

The render is a little gung-ho on the trees, don't ya think? I'd love it if it were true, but c'mon, get real. Sometimes I feel these render artists are just mocking us.
Im hoping that the trees will be there in abundance, the vines however I am pretty sure will not be. Great for the homeowner since vines attract ants and insects, yet is too bad as I always think vines add character to a building/house.
On the subject of the podium....

Also offers the opportunity of mixed use - which I think is cool for residents. Its the reason for urban living versus a suburban lifestyle where much of your life is dependent on the nearest Mall.


Do these two images really show enough to start making up one's mind about the project? My sense is that the very tight views suggest that the exterior elevations are still not quite finalized.

I do agree that it's a pity that at least one of these new towers hasn't been placed so that University Plaza could be hidden from view. What a missed opportunity to to sweep something unsightly under the rug.

A fence has started going up on the property line that used to be where a building was. I think it was a club at one time.

Sales Office on its way...

A sales office within a fence? Seems kind of strange. More of the fence has gone up as well.
A sales office within a fence? Seems kind of strange. More of the fence has gone up as well.

Generally sales centres need to be constructed before customers can go inside them. The fence is probably there to keep the public out of the active construction site.
