October 22 Night Picture

Taken from the east side of Rogers Centre. Similar to an earlier picture a few weeks ago, but they have many more interior lights on now. I really like how the ceilings appear curved, though perhaps it is just an artifact of the window system.


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Thanks for the photos. Does anyone know how buildings with fins like Telus get their windows cleaned?
October 24 Pictures

There was quite a bit of work going on today on the sidewalk area on the north side. Here is a sign post:



The Union Station sign is now finished and some of the blue fencing has been removed:





Note that there is in fact black cladding on both ends. My previous picture last week cut if off by accident:

Overall it looks pretty good. Judging from the facing surfaces of the letters, the light will come out of the sides which could look pretty interesting at night.
There was a very brief MOL shutdown after the second last pane of glass for the facade fell 28 floors during installation... Fortunately no one was hurt.
There was a pretty severe windstorm, I believe in early May, in which glass fell from the tower. I'm not sure if it's the same incident. I only remember this because I was at the corner of York and Bremner when it happened and it was terrifying..
