14 March 2013: It gets worse by the day. Yes, that is brown brick with baby blue & pale yellow spandrel. Colour blind in the "materials selection" department? High Park gets another eyesore.:(






There's a reason area nimbies hate condos--not only the height/shadow issues but the aesthetics are in the majority quite awful.
Much too early to call this an eye-sore. And I like the use of yellow, a very under-utilized colour in recent projects.

I think it'll turn out great, there's still much to do.
Nope not too early at all. There's no surprises left--just more of the same copy + paste to the top. In fact just based on the combo of architect + developer + marketing firm I can tell if a project will be crap or not from day one. :)
I just can't stop taking photos of this "thing." :p The yellow I've decided reminds me of my favourite--Keen's mustard. It makes me want to go to Montreal to eat a smoked meat sammie. The blue makes me want to go fishing (yuck) and the brown makes me want to scoop up dog poo.

16 March 2013: My day began chatting with a local nimby who is opposed to these sort of buildings. He likes his "space" and finds the architecture "dreadful." Chatting longer, it turns out he knows zippo about architecture and even less about urbanism. He did have a point--more people on the weekends in High Park can be disgusting--us locals stay the hell away!



What kind of mustard do you like?
By Toronto's standards it's bold. And I meant just the colour, not the built form. I can't think of another condo in Toronto going up (outside of Library district) that's using non-traditional colours like we see here. It's sad really.
I don't think a pale baby blue nor a mustard yellow is "bold." Bold would be a bright pink, a bold green or vibrant orange. I believe some of those Pan Am Village public housing buildings feature such colours. There's also Pace Condos, Fabrik, Minto 30 Roe, Spectra, Lumen, X & X2 with hints of colour and likely some other projects I can't recall.
I'm not trying to argue that this is some masterpiece or earth shattering because it used yellow and baby blue. It's just rare in this town. Of course it could have been done much better.

Almost all of those aren't built, we'll see if any colour survives. Fabrik and Spectra I'll give you, but the others are a stretch. Pace? Entirely grey. Same for 30 Roe. Lumen is black and white, zero colour. X & X2 is possess token colour.
