As units get sold and resold, "buyer beware" gives way to "fait accompli," and ward councillors with angry constituents on the line won't have the luxury of saying, "you should have thought about that before you moved in, shouldn't you?"
You know ... it should be really great watching all those ships from sugar beach!

Moreover, the name is very descriptive :) They mentioned how raw sugar actually blows over at times onto the adjacent property i.e. the beach and the office building.
They've been drilling holes on this site for the last couple of days

Is that a shoring rig? Or just something for exploratory drilling?

Forgive my construction-equipment-cluelessness....
I often wonder, with the waterfront properties being entirely infill, will ground water be a big deal here? I'd imagine there'll be quite a bit, I never thought of the infill shorelines to be all that stable. The Westin and its neighbours are still standing though, so obviously they did something right.
I often wonder, with the waterfront properties being entirely infill, will ground water be a big deal here? I'd imagine there'll be quite a bit, I never thought of the infill shorelines to be all that stable. The Westin and its neighbours are still standing though, so obviously they did something right.

for pier 27, the entire foundation/parking levels will be in a gigantic "bathtub"... completely sealed on all sides with a thicker base slab to resist hydrostatic pressure
I often wonder, with the waterfront properties being entirely infill, will ground water be a big deal here? I'd imagine there'll be quite a bit, I never thought of the infill shorelines to be all that stable. The Westin and its neighbours are still standing though, so obviously they did something right.

So did eveyone else right up to the Esplanade, the original shoreline (a little before my time)
