congrats on your purchase!

i got a unit in phase ii as well... 5th floor, 630sq ft. in the far east building. i got in during the initial open house back in november 2007. i found UT the same way you did...

letdamonkeyout and kliu82, congratulations!

I think that's a very good site. The fact that its on the waterfront and occupying Toronto's iconic landmark should help save it from real estate downturn. Good luck!
February 7 2009 update

it is very reassuring that Pier 27 has its permits ready to go with construction commencing in the near horizon ... here the site yesterday, no construction equipment on site yet


The Presentation Centre

Site of Digging for Geotechnical Study?
I love their presentation centre. Possibly the nicest, but Ice could look better when they finish with it.
the last time i checked was last summer... and units with the same square-footage, on higher floors, but closer to queen's quay, where going for 30-40k more than what i paid. i don't know if it's changed since then, for better or worse.

Every floor up has an increase of 8-10k in the price, and the closer it is to the harbour also amounts to a huge difference. My impression is that, since last spring, the price has held fairly steady.
I think this has been posted before, but I (re)discovered it from the U COndos thread.
The video for Pier 27 is so dramatic though. Why??
I think this has been posted before, but I (re)discovered it from the U COndos thread.
The video for Pier 27 is so dramatic though. Why??

Not sure what you're asking... Dramatic architecture deserves a dramatic video.
wow. it's almost as though clewes jacked the design. not too surprised, i've never considered innovative stylistically. i think he makes handsome, reserved buildings generally.
