I wonder if these subsequent phases will also feature the bridge?
Overall, this project looks quite impressive.
Overall, this project looks quite impressive.
I wonder if these subsequent phases will also feature the bridge?
Overall, this project looks quite impressive.
Most likely the retail spaces will be on the the north end of the subsequent phases, fronting directly onto Queen's Quay. The rest of the ground floor spaces seem to be taken up by townhomes.
http://urbantoronto.ca/showthread.php?t=658low-end developments (?) ;(
Post Homes Spring 2008 Edition has a 2 page Pier 27 AD. Supposedly, the newly constructed Sales Office is now open, complete with model suite.
And there's mention of retail space on the ground floor which should make some people in this forum, happy. It will be interesting to know where they will put the retail space, and what stores will be there.