^ That should definitely be the goal... but some parts of the waterfront are privately owned.
wow I can't believe the Pier 27 thread was all way down on page 6 ... the interest is totally lost on this one huh ?? :p

honestly though, there appears to be no news on this development for the past 2 months, I do wonder though if this project will 'make it through' these economic times (given price tag of suites)

last time I was on the site, the only thing I noted was the signature white 'sails' on the presentation centre were gone (maybe due to the winds?)

wow I can't believe the Pier 27 thread was all way down on page 6 ... the interest is totally lost on this one huh ?? :p

honestly though, there appears to be no news on this development for the past 2 months

Considering there has been no new for a while it's not surprising this thread was down on page 6
Application: Partial Permit Status: Under Review

Location: 25 QUEENS QUAY E

Ward 28: Toronto Centre-Rosedale

Application#: 08 194355 SHO 00 PP Accepted Date: Aug 15, 2008

Project: Apartment Building Partial Permit - Shoring

Description: Part Permit - Proposal to construct 14 storey condo with 401 residential units and 4 levels of underground parking.
Isn't ground already broken? I though I saw excavators chewing up the old foundations the other day
I hate to parrot the rules all the time, but can we wing our way back to the thread topic?

i like the look of this project sincerely. still, i agree with hume that the waterfront may not need another condo, especially on site as significant as this one. perhaps a park? or even a stunning museum?

of course these are just fanciful dreams. given that this project is definite, i am pretty pleased with it. it's hard to belive that the barren land that is currently the waterfront will soon be completely transformed with the new george brown campus, the tedco building, and pier 27.

just imaging the new architecture, public space and the wavedecks in this area. incredible.
Sugar plant worries ships will wake condo owners
But planners say a mixed-use strategy that includes grit of industry is key to vibrant Toronto waterfront
Jan 03, 2009 04:30 AM
Emily Mathieu

It's a rather romantic idea: Massive sugar-bearing freighters travelling low in the water, their gargantuan hulls weighted by the sweet bounty of Brazil. Even more seductive is the idea of watching that journey conclude beneath the silvery light of the moon from high atop your waterfront love nest.

Until the captain hits the horn.

"Our concern is, while we can make the plant reasonably quiet, ships are not quiet," says Jonathan Bamberger, president of Redpath Sugar, a 50-year-old facility at the foot of Yonge St., smack in the heart of a rapidly developing section of Toronto's waterfront.

"When the ship comes in it might turn around, it might arrive at 2 in the morning. The horn blows, the cranes move," he says, adding, "It's not good to have condominiums right next to something that is a 24-hour operation outside."

As the city's plans to redevelop Toronto's waterfront move forward, old elements like the Redpath plant are being incorporated.

The condo project in question is Pier 27, to be built immediately west of the plant by Cityzen Development Group.

"Where else can you get a view like this?" partner Joseph Cordiano says of the waterfront site. "There is a lot of activity, a lot of life."

Construction is to begin in spring, and Cityzen hopes to have at least one of the two buildings completed 30 months after breaking ground. There will be 685 units over both buildings; about 70 per cent have been sold.

Because the buildings will butt up against the property line, bylaws required the company to design noise-shielding elements.

Potential buyers expect a certain level of water traffic, Cordiano says, adding it won't be much more intrusive than the clatter of streetcars elsewhere. "In the summer it's quite a pleasant thing to sit here and watch the vessels go by."

Units were selling this fall despite the economic downturn, says Cordiano, former Ontario minister of economic development and trade.

"If there is a silver lining in this, it is that construction prices are starting to fall and material prices are starting to fall a little bit, so we are getting off the peak of pricing."

Sugar production and sales are expected to remain stable. Bamberger is working with the developers to make sure the plant and residents can live side-by-side.

Everyone involved admits that if it's handled properly there is something rather romantic about watching the ships come in.

"The most boring waterfronts in the world are the ones that have been sort of sterilized and sanitized," says John Campbell, president and chief executive officer of Waterfront Toronto, the agency responsible for directing waterfront revitalization.

"So in the Redpath situation we have gone through a fairly extensive process of saying, `How are we going to do this in a way that both sides can live together and co-exist?'"

To Campbell's mind, it's poor waterfront planning to design it for pre-cast condos and sailing slips, but little else.

"The shipping is what gives the harbour its excitement."

Founded in 1854, Redpath Sugar Ltd. is Canada's oldest sugar refiner and has its roots in Montreal, but is now a wholly owned subsidiary of American Sugar Refining Inc. The Toronto site, opened by Queen Elizabeth, was completed in 1959. There is so much history tied to Redpath, the plant has its own museum, open free to the public.

That the product produced here is sugar makes it seem a benign form of industry, but it is industry nonetheless.

Potential noise is really only a problem at night, Campbell says. The ships that bring in raw sugar from tropical ports are often more than 120 metres long. Ships that size are exceptionally expensive to operate so they must be unloaded as quickly as possible, regardless of the hour they arrive.

Massive cranes and metal scoops empty the ship's hull, moving swiftly about 21 metres above the dock.

The pier ends up smeared with a sweet slurry of raw sugar and water that pools into murky puddles and forms a thick paste that squelches under boots. It has a predictably sweet and slightly musty scent, like unfinished beer.

Microscopic particles stirred up by the massive cranes and backhoes used to shift the raw material are carried by the wind. Those particles can settle to form a thin, crystalline coating on nearby surfaces.

Campbell said studies to determine if the sugar runoff was corrosive or created any health hazards revealed no concerns.

Just east of the sugar dock, past the site of a future park to be called Sugar Beach, is the Corus Entertainment building being constructed by the Toronto Economic Development Corp. (TEDCO).

"One of the beauties of the city of Toronto's waterfront plan is to mix the uses," says Jeffrey Steiner, TEDCO's president and chief executive officer. "But that also brings about challenges, because you can't always have heavy industry right next to a university or condominium or house."

Though the sugar dust is not toxic, it could cause other problems, so elaborate plans have been made to clean the office building and air vents have been incorporated to deal with the occasions when sugar dust might billow over the site.

The Corus building was also designed to act as a noise buffer for its occupants and people who will live in the residential area planned further east.

Finding ways to work shipping into future development is essential to Toronto's waterfront, Campbell says, adding that about 250 ships visit it each year. "It would be a real loss if we lost the shipping."

Haha, interesting point about the sugar dust. I remember I used to park in the lot next to the factory and on some days there would be a layer of sugar dust covering my car. I really wonder how many problems all that dust is going to cause. It wouldn't surprise me to hear many complaints about the smell and dust about a year after the condo is completed. It will probably become one of the next big public issues that should generate quite alot of media attention. I certainly wouldn't want to always be washing my windows and dusting like crazy all the time to clean the dust off everything because that dust is going to get everywhere. At least you'll be able to tell who lives nearby because all their clothes are going to smell like the plant.
Because the buildings will butt up against the property line, bylaws required the company to design noise-shielding elements.

Well I can hear it now ... a slew of Pier 27 residents bitching and complaining about the ship noises and sugar crystals coating their condo and belongings.

Perhaps I misunderstood the quote but I can't believe that the plant should be subjected to the added costs of noise reduction; or are they referring to the developer !?!?

Of course, they will forget that the Redpath plant has been there MANY MANY years before them. The $600 - 700 PSF unit dwellers will have a sense of entitlement because they paid $600 - 700 PSF.
WHAT ever happened to buyer beware? Or at least buyer do your homework? Just as bad as those who bought in Liberty Village, and then complain about the smell and noise of the nearby slaughterhouse. Sorry, but you have to know thy neighbourhood.
