that's correct, there aren't

the east wall will only feature staggered clerestory windows in spots

I'm wondering if the "facing Redpath" thing would be more problematic re olfactory aesthetics than visual aesthetics...
from today

Years hence, when Redpath has departed and their buildings have been converted into a stately pleasure dome, could they not renovate the east-facing side of this condo to give owners wondrous views of the new complex?
It's funny looking at this shot makes me realize how messed up our waterfront is. Here's the waterfront in the very middle of the city. Steps from downtown and at this section here, you'll hardly see anyone ever walking along the sidewalks. Sure there are cyclists and a few rollerbladers but it might as well be a suburban thoroughfare at this point. Even with the Loblaws and all the condos, it's just so deserted. And SO FREAKING COLD AND WINDY in the winter! Everyone just drives along there. Oh well, maybe it'll slowly start to change. Here's hoping.

It's funny looking at this shot makes me realize how messed up our waterfront is. Here's the waterfront in the very middle of the city. Steps from downtown and at this section here, you'll hardly see anyone ever walking along the sidewalks. Sure there are cyclists and a few rollerbladers but it might as well be a suburban thoroughfare at this point. Even with the Loblaws and all the condos, it's just so deserted. And SO FREAKING COLD AND WINDY in the winter! Everyone just drives along there. Oh well, maybe it'll slowly start to change. Here's hoping.

You may want to look at all the developments underway and planned for the eastern waterfront. Sherbourne Commons North and South, Corus, George Brown, Pier 27, Monde etc It IS changing. (The cold winter wind from the lake, however, will always be there.)
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Yeah, it's pretty grim around there. Be nice to see that sugar plant bite the dust. I personally wouldn't buy beside it.
Come-On, its not Redpath that is making it grim around there..and yes, i would love to see it stay there for many more years

Eh, to each his own. I just think it's hideous, and I'm skeptical that mixed-use development can mean combining primary industry with luxury condos. If the waterfront is going to beautiful, I think the old idea of locating primary industry around water for shipping and port purposes has to be rethought--as it has been in many ways--and plants like this can move up north of the 401. Unlike 100 years ago, waterfronts now are places people want to be, not smokey, muddy, dirty places of manufacturing and goods-shipment.
A lot of developments are underway and planned for the eastern waterfront: Sherbourne Commons North and South, Corus, George Brown, Pier 27, Monde etc. It IS changing.

I'm definitely looking forward to all of those. I love development. I feel like they also need to do something with the road to make it a little more people friendly and make it feel less like a highway. Maybe a tree lined boulevard down the middle. Or allow some parking along the sides to create a barrier between people and cars. It's so people unfriendly. Unlike the other side from Coronation park west which is filled with people.
Queens quay blvd is going to be completely redone... Check it out on Waterfront Toronto.... Looks awesome
I'm skeptical that mixed-use development can mean combining primary industry with luxury condos. If the waterfront is going to beautiful, I think the old idea of locating primary industry around water for shipping and port purposes has to be rethought--as it has been in many ways--and plants like this can move up north of the 401.

I was wondering if you could explain the part about getting the ships north of the 401?
