5 pm. Horizontal section being secured. The last lift was particularly impressive - 30 metres long (my estimate), clearing trees and hydro lines and put in position in the time to walk from the south to the north side via Jarvis. 3-4 minutes? They're very good!
ha, you can see my balcony in that first pic. cool
This is so exciting. This is one of the buildings I've been waiting to see go up. Can't wait to see the glass arrive say 8 months from now.
Sorry about the poor exposure - the lighting conditions were abysmal at that time of day, but I'll take some better photos in the coming weeks:

no need to apologize for that photo... you got a perfectly balanced exposure (for those conditions). Glad to see we will have a birds eye view for construction of X !
The crane is being used to lower cement into the foundation this morning. There is a lot of activity at the site today.
It's quite remarkable that both the Uptown/Crystal Blu and X sites are at almost exactly the same stage of construction (e.g., newly-erected crane, special dewatering network, and first pours). Take a look!
It's quite remarkable that both the Uptown/Crystal Blu and X sites are at almost exactly the same stage of construction (e.g., newly-erected crane, special dewatering network, and first pours). Take a look!

There is also 500 Sherbourne, that just put up the crane last week. Within 5 - 10 minutes of my apartment I can visit:
Crystal Blu
500 Sherbourne
Bloor Street Neighbourhood
Star of Downtown

All at some stage of construction. And I'm likely missing a couple. Amazing
There is also 500 Sherbourne, that just put up the crane last week. Within 5 - 10 minutes of my apartment I can visit:
Crystal Blu
500 Sherbourne
Bloor Street Neighbourhood
Star of Downtown

All at some stage of construction. And I'm likely missing a couple. Amazing

Well actually they are all under construction but at considerably different stages. 500 Sherbourne has had a crane up for at least two months.
Work is coming along nicely at this site. Almost all of the dirt has been removed, and they are progressing with their work on the foundation.
