My take is that the ugly streetscape/urban planning & ugly architecture do not for an attractive retail landscape make.

I had a nice little debate with Richard on twitter regarding this idea. My verdict is that it's not a model Toronto should follow, aka it's a failure.
There are buildings even closer than this. Developers have been successful in jamming stuff into ever greater proximity, successfully reducing the distancing guidelines downward. Of course, there are members on this forum who are obsessed with street walls of tall buildings, and don't really care much about the living environments within those buildings, so you're likely to meet some opposition about stressing the need for some exposure to sunlight.
Richard Witt isn't a planner, he is an architect at Quadrangle.

Pic taken Nov 25, 2012

There was posted on Facebook recently about the June Callwood park (that piece of vacant land :)):
An update about June Callwood Park from a city Parks person today: "I'm happy to report that problems the developer had been having with the site are now resolved. The Ministry of the Environment approved the final Certificate of Property Use just before Christmas. So, we are now in the process of getting all of the legal paperwork done to get the land transferred to the City. Our tender for construction will be issued this month (January 2013). So, we should be on track to get started once construction season begins this Spring."
Great update TOCondoGarden. Thanks
